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You can add users to the Favorites list by right-clicking a user and choosing Add to Favorites from the context menu. Alternatively, you can drag a contact from the Users pane and drop it on the Favorites pane.

You can access your favorites from the Favorites pane, which is by default located on the far right side of the COC window. Right-clicking on the pane shows a context menu where you can add a new favorite, edit or delete an existing one (if one is selected), or you can import favorites from a CSV file.

Import favorites

Favorites can be imported from a CSV file. Applications like Microsoft Excel allow for export in the CSV format.

The file needs to have the following properties:

  • The separator must be a semicolon (;). This is the standard separator when exporting an Excel file to CSV.
  • Every line represents one contact, containing the following values:

    1. Phone number
    2. Last name
    3. First name
    4. Company
    5. Type of phone number (can be either BUSINESS, PRIVATE, or MOBILE)
  • The phone number and either the first or last name need to have a non-empty value. The other values may be empty.
  • The line ending must be of the format \r\n. While this is standard in Windows, different line endings are used in Unix and Unix-like systems. Make sure that the correct line endings are used, especially when the file was created on macOS or Linux.

If a row is not valid, it will be skipped during import. Any duplicate rows in the CSV file or contacts that already exist in the COC favorite list will be skipped as well.

The import process is as follows:

  1. Prepare a CSV file with your favorites entries as specified above.
  2. In the Favorites pane, right click inside the pane and choose Import Favorites from the context menu.
  3. In the Import Favorites dialog, click on the Browse button and locate the CSV file.
  4. Click on the Import button to start importing your favorites.
  5. During the import, a progress bar on the Import Favorites dialog will show the progress of the import. Once the import has finished, the dialog will close and all the imported favorites will be visible in the Favorites pane.