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Monitoring and coaching operations

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Operators have the possibility to monitor calls and to coach other agents.

  • Monitoring means an operator is observing a call without actively participating in it, i.e. neither of the two other callers can hear the operator.
  • Coaching allows an operator to coach another agent while the agent is in a call with a customer. The coach can only be heard by the agent, allowing the coach and the agent to talk to each other while the customer communicates only with the agent.

In order to be able to use monitoring and coaching operations, Built-In-Bridge needs to be enabled on all involved devices via CUCM.

Warning: In most countries, monitoring telephone calls is subject to legal restrictions regarding privacy and data protection. Make sure to adhere to any applicable national and international laws when monitoring calls.

To start monitoring or coaching, select an agent who has an active call. Then click on the call an click either Monitoring or Coaching from the ribbon bar to start the respective action. Alternatively, right-click on the call in the Details pane and select either Start monitoring or Start coaching from the context menu. Switching between monitoring and coaching is possible by clicking the respective button on the ribbon bar.

To stop monitoring or coaching a call, click the Stop button on the ribbon bar’s Monitoring/Coaching section. Alternatively, the monitoring/coaching session can be stopped by right-clicking the call and choosing Stop Monitoring/Coaching from the context menu, or by disconnecting from the call.

You can see the call you’re monitoring or coaching in the Operator pane.

Operator pane: Monitoring a call
Operator pane: Coaching a call