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User groups

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Operators can create custom user groups that are only be visible to them. (These groups can contain users that are in groups which are already visible to the operator.)

Create a group

To create a user group, click the COC icon in the top-left corner and choose Manage User Groups from the pull-down menu. A new window will open, containing the three areas User Groups, Assigned and Users.

Right-click on the User Groups area (on the very left) and select New User Group from the context menu. After that, the Users area (on the very right) will be populated with all the available users. Select one or multiple users and click on the blue leftwards arrow to add them to the group. After clicking the Ok button in the bottom-right corner of the dialog, the new user group will be created and assigned to the operator. It will appear as a new a tab at the bottom of the Users pane.

Delete a group

To delete a user group, click the COC icon in the top-left corner and choose Manage User Groups from the pull-down menu. In the User Groups area, right-click the group you wish to delete and choose Delete User Group from the context menu. After confirming the action, the user group will be deleted.

Rename a group

To rename a user group, click the COC icon in the top-left corner and choose Manage User Groups from the pull-down menu. In the User Groups area, right-click the group you wish to rename and choose Rename User Group from the context menu. The new name will be saved by either pressing the Enter key or by clicking outside the text box.