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Settings can be modified in this dialog. Some of the settings cannot be modified and will appear disabled: Those settings need to be modified on Callisto through its web interface.

Tab “UCM”

Click in the button labeled UCM to display the respective settings. Enter the IP address of the Call Manager in the IP Address field and enter the administrator user name and password below. Enter the credentials of the application user defined for the JTAPI (CTI) connection in the JTAPI User and JTAPI Password fields, or alternatively check on the option Use same credentials for JTAPI if the credentials are the same as above. See Call Manager configuration for more information on how to configure the application user on the Call Manager. Click on OK or Apply to save the settings.

Secure CTI Configuration

In order to establish a secure CTI connection with CUCM’s CTI Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Add the CTI application user roles Standard CTI Allow Reception of SRTP Key Material and Standard CTI Secure Connection
  2. Create an application user CAPF profile by choosing User Management > User Settings > Application User CAPF Profile.
    1. In the Application User drop-down menu, select the application user which will be used for the secure CTI connection.
    2. Enter the Instance Id.
    3. From the Certificate Operation drop-down menu, choose Install/Upgrade.
    4. Create an authentication string by clicking on the Generate String button. Leave all other options as default. Click Save.
  3. Open the COC Configurator settings.
    1. Check the Enable secure JTAPI option.
    2. Enter the Instance ID and Authentication String previously configured on CUCM.

      Info: An Authentication String is only required the first time you connect to secure CTI. After that, authentication is no longer needed and this value will be discarded.

    3. Clicking on Advanced Settings, you can specify details of the Call Manager’s TFTP and CAPF servers.

      Info: This configuration is only necessary if you made changes to the locations/IP addresses or ports of the Call Manager’s TFTP and CAPF servers. Otherwise, you can skip this configuration.

    4. After clicking Apply or Ok, a secure CTI connection will be established.

Tab “Exchange”

If you use Exchange, you can add the address and credentials for a connection to Exchange so that a user’s Exchange status is displayed in the COC Client whenever an appointment becomes active (e.g. a meeting taking place). To configure the Exchange access, click on the Exchange tab, then fill in the following information: The URL or IP Address of the Exchange server in the Address field, the user credentials in the User and Password fields, and the synchronization interval in the Sync Interval field. The synchronization interval must be greater than zero.

Tab “Global Settings”

Max Integer Number Length The maximum length of your internal numbers. This value can only be modified in the Callisto system parameters.
External Line Prefix Set a prefix consisting of a single or multiple digits. This value can only be modified in the Callisto system parameters.
Voice Mail Number If you have Voice Mail configured, set its number here.
Monitoring Tone Option

Choose who will hear the monitoring tone.

  • None: No tone will be played on either agent or customer side (i.e. remote party). This is the default setting.
  • Remote Side: Only the remote party will hear the monitoring tone during the call.
  • Local Side: Only the agent will hear the monitoring tone.
  • Both Sides: Both agent and customer will be able to hear the monitoring tone.
Recording Tone Option

Choose who will hear the recording tone.

  • None: No tone will be played on either agent or customer side (i.e. remote party). This is the default setting.
  • Remote Side: Only the remote party will hear the recording tone during the call.
  • Local Side: Only the agent will hear the recording tone.
  • Both Sides: Both agent and customer will be able to hear the recording tone.
Delete Call History after […] Days Set the number of days after which call history will be deleted automatically.
Select CTIPort Set the CTIPort which you want to use for the busy queue. If this setting is not configured, then the busy queue feature will be disabled.
Select CTIPort Number Once you set the CTIPort, a drop-down menu with all the directory numbers of the selected CTIPort will appear. Select the number on which all calls will be connected.
Create Groups from department on User Import See chapter Import users
Automatically create Callisto Line on Callisto Import See chapter Import users

Tab “License”

In the License tab, enter the license key provided by CTModule to activate the product. If you don’t have license key, you can request one by sending an email to CTModule. Make sure to include the Startcode in the mail. You can find this code in the License tab.

Tab “Actions”

Add New Action

You can configure pre-defined actions (e.g. MS Dynamics pop-ups) to be executed on certain event (e.g. incoming calls). Click the Action tab and click on the Add New Action icon. Currently, only one action of the Type MS Dynamics is pre-defined. To use this action, configure the MS Dynamics server details (i.e. Enterprise URL, Database Name, Database IP, Database Username and Database Password). After creating the action, set what actions will trigger it by assigning it in the Client pane.