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Click on the Users button to list all the users defined on the COC Proxy. These users can be of type UCM, Callisto or Proxy, depending on the source of the user. Callisto lines and groups can be assigned to any user, but only users of type Proxy can be added, edited or removed on the COC Configurator.

Assigning a Callisto line to a user will have the line appear whenever the user is displayed. Additionally, lines assigned to operator users will be visible in the Operator pane.

Assigning a group to a user will have the user displayed when the group’s tab is displayed in the COC client.

For more details, see Assignments.

Import users

In a Callisto environment, you can import users, groups and mobile numbers from the Callisto UCM.

Click on the Settings button, and then click on the Global Settings tab. The following options are available:

Option Description
Automatically create Groups from departments on user import If checked, groups will be automatically created based on the Department meta field of the imported users.
Automatically create Callisto Lines on Callisto import If checked, Callisto lines will be automatically created based on the imported users’ mobile numbers. This option is only available in environments with Callisto.
Import icon

Click on the Users button and then click on the Import icon to import users. The users and related information will be imported according to your global settings.