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The Billing tab contains preferences for the billing of phone calls. Calls conducted by passengers, crew and office staff can be billed independently.

General settings

Currency The currency used for billing.
External prefixes Prefixes which can be used to make external calls.
Maximum length of internal numbers If a dialed number has more digits than set here, it will be treated as an external number.
Exclude prefixes Numbers with a prefix set here are excluded from billing.
Exclude (Source) Numbers Exact numbers set here are excluded from billing.
Error account number The billing number used when an invalid call action is performed.
Refund Limit If the amount on refunds exceeds the value set here, a warning will be issued. The limit is calculated with the currency set in the Currency setting.
Disable PMS Postings If checked, call charges are not posted to the PMS system. In this case, call charges are only available in the Call Reports tab of Callisto Cruise.
Enable CMC If checked, Client Matter Codes (i.e., officer calls)

Callisto Cruise sends bill information to the Property Management System, which returns the booking information to Callisto Cruise. If the booking was successful, the information includes the booking date.

Info: Only outgoing calls from phones to external numbers are billed. All other calls, as well as calls to the numbers set in the Exclude prefixes and Exclude (source) numbers fields, are ignored by the billing system.

Billing filters

Billing filters are used for matching external numbers with a specific billing tariff.

The filters are strings that match against any outgoing number to determine the billing tariff. Two wildcards are available:

  • T: Substitutes for zero or more characters.
  • .: Substitutes for exactly one character.

Example: 49 is the calling code for Germany. When a number matching the filter 49T is called, the call will use the German billing tariff.

Delete icon

Reorder icon

Custom filters can be deleted by clicking the respective delete icon, and reordered by dragging and dropping the reorder icons on the left side of the filters.The order sets the priority of the filters (i.e., if a number matches multiple filters, the topmost matching filter in the list will be applied). Therefore, more limiting filters should be put above broader filters.

Example: Two filters are configured:

  1. 49182T
  2. 49T

If the number 49182121XXXXXXX is dialed, the number matches the first filter, which is thus applied.

Bad example: Assume the same filters are placed in reverse order:

  1. 49T
  2. 49182T

In this case, the second filter is never applied since any number matching the second filter also matches the first one, which has higher priority.

The last filter in the list only contains only the character T. This filter matches any number and is therefore intended as the default configuration when no other filter matches the number. This filter cannot be deleted nor can the filter string or the position be changed, but the billing tariff can be set.

Billing tariffs

In this tab, configurations can be made on how various kinds of calls are charged. To create a new tariff, click the Add button in the top right corner. Existing tariffs can be selected by choosing a tariff from the drop-down menu labeled Choose… in the top left corner and a selected tariff can be renamed or deleted by clicking the respective button in the top right corner.

Info: A billing tariff can only be deleted if it isn’t used by any billing filter.

The Description field is optional and may contain a more detailed description of the billing tariff.

The following values can be set for the charging rates. Passengers, crew, and office staff can be charged with separate rates.

Free of charge time Set in seconds. The duration a call may take before it starts being charged.
Charging interval Set in seconds. The interval at which the call is charged.
Charging rate Set in cents or pence*. The amount that is charged every time an interval passes.
*The unit depends on the currency set in the general settings.

Example: A passenger makes a call that lasts 4:32 and is charged with the standard tariff. The tariff is set as follows:

Free of charge time: 30 seconds
Charging interval: 60 seconds
Charging rate: 200 cents

The first €2 are charged at 0:30 (until then, the call is free). Then, an additional €2 are charged every minute, accumulating to €10 at 4:30. The call ends before the next interval (at 5:30) is reached, so the total charge for this call is €10.