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This tab contains the general settings for wake-up calls.

Setting Description Accepted values
Ringtime Set in seconds. The duration a single phone ring when executing a wake-up call. 5–80 seconds
Repetitions How often a wake-up call is repeated when remaining unanswered. 0–5 repetitions
Repetitions gap Set in seconds. The interval to wait before a wake-up call is repeated. 30–600 seconds
Maximum number of concurrent wakeup setups Maximum of setups that can be executed at the same time. 0 or more
Maximum number of concurrent wakeup alarms Maximum of alarms that can be executed at the same time. 0 or more
Use 12-hour clock format If checked, 12-hour format is used to represent times.  
Detect redirection If checked, Cruise Wake-up will detect when the wake-up call to a cabin phone is redirected. In this case, the wake-up call is marked as failed (redirected).  
Caller number The phone number to use as caller ID when a wake-up call is executed.  
Caller name The name to show on the recipient’s phone display when a wake-up call is executed.  
Automatically delete reports after Set in days. Time after which wake-up reports will be deleted.