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Wake-up alerts

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In the Wakeup tab, the individual wake-up alerts for each cabin are set. Cabins with active wake-up alerts are colored green, cabins without wake-up alert are colored red.

The view can be filtered by choosing a filter action from the drop-down menu labeled Action in the top left corner.

All Cabins Show all available cabins.
Cabins with Wakeups Show cabins for which a wake-up alert is active.
Cabins without Wakeups Show cabins for which no wake-up alert is active.
Groups Show the Group wake-up view.

Additionally, the list can be filtered by searching for cabin numbers with the text search in the top right corner.

Set wake-up alerts

Various methods are available to set wake-up alerts.

Set wake-up alerts in the Callisto web GUI

Using the Callisto web GUI, a wake-up alert can be set for every cabin phone individually. Clicking on a cabin will open the Add Wakeup dialog window where the following configuration can be set:

Enabled Enable or disable the wake-up alert.
Time The time when the alert will be triggered.
Execute Set for how many days the alert will be enabled.

This is the recommended method to manage wake-up alerts by front-desk staff.

Set wake-up alerts via phone

Guests and crew members can call the wake-up service number (as defined in the Cruise Base speed-dials) in order to set or edit the time when a wake-up call should occur.

An IVR menu allows the caller to set a wake-up time within the next 24 hours. What language the IVR menu is in depends on the check-in mode:

  • If the check-in mode is set to automatic, the language set for the guest is used.
  • If the check-in mode is set to manual (i.e., Direct Outward Dialing), the language set for the cabin is used.

Set wake-up alerts via LCCI

Wake-up calls can be set using 3rd party entertainment systems (e.g., cabin TV systems) if they are integrated in the LCCI system. When setting a wake-up alert this way, LCCI will send a message/request to Callisto to initiate, edit, or delete the alert. Any previously set alerts will be overwritten.

Group wake-up

Choosing the action Groups from the Action drop-down menu will show the Group wake-up view. In this view, wake-up alerts can be set for entire cabin groups instead of individual cabins. Groups are defined in the Cruise Base configuration and can only be accessed by users with the appropriate privileges.

Group wake-up alerts are independent from individual wake-up alerts; guests can set individual wake-up alerts for their cabin regardless of the group wake-up settings.