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Knowledge Base

Group management functions

Table of Contents

Info: All examples shown here use the following placeholders. Replace these placeholders with the appropriate data:

  • <user> and <password>: Credentials of a Callisto user with REST Authentication privilege.
  • <callisto>: The base domain name or IP address of the Callisto server.
  • <MAGroup>: The name of the ManagerAssistant Group application instance to call.

All functions used for group management are called by URLs containing the following path:



HTTP request method: POST

Add a new group to the ManagerAssistant Group instance.


gr_name Mandatory. The name of the group.

Name of the WAV file used as announcement when the manager is called.

Default value: empty string (i.e., no announcement)


Boolean. Set to 1 to enable the Ring assistant parallel option or to 0 to disable it.

Default value: 0


The group’s Manager number. Dialing this number directs a call to the group manager.

Default value: empty string (i.e., no manager number)


Integer. Sets the Manager Timeout duration in seconds. Set to 0 to disable manager timeout.

Default value: 0


Integer. Sets the Assistant Timeout duration in seconds. Set to 0 to disable assistant timeout.

Default value: 0


Sets the Overflow action. The following values are available:

-1: No overflow. The call is redirected again to the first available assistant or manager in the current group.
-3 or busy: The caller recieves a busy signal and the call is terminated.
voicemail:<box number>: The caller can leave a voicemail message to the number set as <voicemail box number>.
<phone number>: The call is redirected to the number set as <phone number>.

Default value: -1


Sets the Show VIP calls option. The following values are available:

0 or manager: The call will only be displayed on the manager’s phone and be hidden from all other group members.
1 or all: Like a regular call, the call will be shown on all group members’ phone screens.
2 or marked: The call will be shown on all group members’ phone screens, and the word <VIP> will be appended to the caller’s name or number.

Default value: 1


Sets the VIP call routing option. The following values are available:

0: Unanswered VIP calls are redirected to all assistants consecutively, regardless of their presence state.
1: Unanswered VIP calls are directed only to the manager; no redirection to assistants occurs, and parallel calling is disabled.
2: Unanswered VIP calls are directed to the manager and to assistants whose presence state is set to available.

Default value:0


Boolean. Set to 1 to enable the Connect assistants directly with the manager option or to 0 to disable it.

Default value: 0


Boolean. Set to 1 to enable the Show call information option or to 0 to disable it.

Default value: 1


Set the VIP threshold. A number between 1 and 5 will set the corresponding VIP level as threshold; setting the value to 0 will mark all callers as VIP members, setting it to a number greater than 5 will disable the threshold (i.e., only contacts set in the VIP List tab will be considered VIP callers).

Default value: 5


Set the Caller name identification.

Default value: empty string (i.e., caller name will be displayed as received by the UCM)


Set the Caller number identification.

Default value: empty string (i.e., caller number will be displayed as received by the UCM)

gr_mngCallAlarm Sets the Manager call notification tone on System Phones.

Sets the Assistant call notification tone  on System Phones.

In groups without manager, this option sets the Call notification tone.

gr_mngCallAlarmJ Sets the Manager call notification tone on Jabber, COC, and the standalone gadget.

Sets the Assistant call notification tone on Jabber, COC, and the standalone gadget.

In groups without manager, this option sets the Call notification tone Jabber.


The <Response> element contains two child elements:

The <id> element contains the ID of the newly created group.

The <status> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:

OK: The new group was created successfully.
PARAMETER_MISSING: One or multiple mandatory parameters are missing.
ALREADY_EXISTS: A group with this name already exists.
ERROR: Unknown error.

Example: Create a new group.

Example data

gr_name=groupName The group will be named “Accounting”.
gr_welcome=Welcome.wav The file Welcome.wav will be used as greeting announcement.
gr_ringParallel=1 The Ring assistant parallel option will be enabled.
gr_number=5555 The group’s manager number will be 5555.
gr_managerTimeout=10 The Manager Timeout will be set to 10 seconds.
gr_assistantTimeout=10 The Assistant Timeout will be set to 10 seconds.
gr_overflow=4321 In case of Overflow, the call will be directed to the number 4321.
gr_showVIPCall=2 VIP calls will be shown on all group members’ phone screens.
gr_assistantToMng=1 The Connect assistant directly with the manager option will be enabled.
gr_showCalls=0 The Show call information option will be disabled.
gr_mngCallAlarm=Harp.wav The file harp.wav will be played to all group members’ phones when the manager receives a call.
gr_assistCallAlarm=analog.wav The file analog.wav will be played to all group members’ phones when an assistant receives a call.
gr_VIPThreshold=3 Calls from contacts with two or more stars will be treated as VIP calls.
gr_mngCallAlarmJ=Analog1.mp3 The file Analog1.mp3 will be played to all group members’ Jabber/COC/gadget when the manager receives a call.
gr_assistCallAlarmJ=Analog2.mp3 The file Analog2.mp3 will be played to all group members’ Jabber/COC/gadget when an assistant receives a call.

The following two values contain special characters, so they are submitted using percent-encoding:

gr_callerName=%managerShortName%**%callerName% The mask for the caller name identification.
gr_callerNumber=%managerNumber%**%callerNumber% The mask for the caller number identification.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gr_name=groupName&gr_welcome=Welcome.wav&gr_ringParallel=1&gr_number=5555&gr_managerTimeout=10&gr_assistantTimeout=10&gr_overflow=4321&gr_showVIPCall=2&gr_assistantToMng=1&gr_showCalls=0&gr_mngCallAlarm=Harp.wav&gr_assistCallAlarm=Analog.wav&gr_VIPThreshold=3&gr_mngCallAlarmJ=Analog1.mp3&gr_assistCallAlarmJ=Analog2.mp3" --data-urlencode "gr_callerName=%managerShortName%**%callerName%" --data-urlencode "gr_callerNumber=%managerNumber%**%callerNumber%" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/groups/addGroup.asp




HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Delete a group from the ManagerAssistant Group instance.


gr_idMandatory. The ID of the group to delete.


The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:

OK: The group was deleted successfully.
PARAMETER_MISSING: The mandatory parameter is missing.
INVALID_GROUP_ID: A group with this ID doesn’t exist.
ERROR: Unknown error.

Example: Delete the group with the ID 45.

Example data

  • gr_id=45: The ID of the group to delete.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gr_id=45" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/groups/deleteGroup.asp




HTTP request method: POST

Edit any parameter of a group.


gr_name Mandatory. The name of the group.

Name of the WAV file used as announcement when the manager is called.

Default value: empty string (i.e., no announcement)


Boolean. Set to 1 to enable the Ring assistant parallel option or to 0 to disable it.

Default value: 0


The group’s Manager number. Dialing this number directs a call to the group manager.

Default value: empty string (i.e., no manager number)


Integer. Sets the Manager Timeout duration in seconds. Set to 0 to disable manager timeout.

Default value: 0


Integer. Sets the Assistant Timeout duration in seconds. Set to 0 to disable assistant timeout.

Default value: 0


Sets the Overflow action. The following values are available:

-1: No overflow. The call is redirected again to the first available assistant or manager in the current group.
-3 or busy: The caller recieves a busy signal and the call is terminated.
voicemail:<box number>: The caller can leave a voicemail message to the number set as <voicemail box number>.
<phone number>: The call is redirected to the number set as <phone number>.

Default value: -1


Sets the Show VIP calls option. The following values are available:

0 or manager: The call will only be displayed on the manager’s phone and be hidden from all other group members.
1 or all: Like a regular call, the call will be shown on all group members’ phone screens.
2 or marked: The call will be shown on all group members’ phone screens, and the word <VIP> will be appended to the caller’s name or number.

Default value: 1


Sets the VIP call routing option. The following values are available:

0: Unanswered VIP calls are redirected to all assistants consecutively, regardless of their presence state.
1: Unanswered VIP calls are directed only to the manager; no redirection to assistants occurs, and parallel calling is disabled.
2: Unanswered VIP calls are directed to the manager and to assistants whose presence state is set to available.

Default value: 0


Boolean. Set to 1 to enable the Connect assistants directly with the manager option or to 0 to disable it.

Default value: 0


Boolean. Set to 1 to enable the Show call information option or to 0 to disable it.

Default value: 1


Set the VIP threshold. A number between 1 and 5 will set the corresponding VIP level as threshold; setting the value to 0 will mark all callers as VIP members, setting it to a number greater than 5 will disable the threshold (i.e., only contacts set in the VIP List tab will be considered VIP callers).

Default value: 5


Set the Caller name identification.

Default value: empty string (i.e., caller name will be displayed as received by the UCM)


Set the Caller number identification.

Default value: empty string (i.e., caller number will be displayed as received by the UCM)

gr_mngCallAlarm Sets the Manager call notification tone on System Phones.

Sets the Assistant call notification tone  on System Phones.

In groups without manager, this option sets the Call notification tone.

gr_mngCallAlarmJ Sets the Manager call notification tone on Jabber, COC, and the standalone gadget.

Sets the Assistant call notification tone on Jabber, COC, and the standalone gadget.

In groups without manager, this option sets the Call notification tone Jabber.


The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:

OK: The group was edited successfully.
PARAMETER_MISSING: The mandatory parameter is missing.
INVALID_GROUP_ID: A group with this ID doesn’t exist.
ERROR: Unknown error.

Example: Enable the Show call information option in the group with the ID 45.

Example data

gr_id=45: The ID of the group to edit.
gr_showCalls=1: The new parameter to set. In this case, enable Show call information.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gr_id=45&gr_showCalls=1" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/groups/editGroup.asp




HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Return a list of all groups, filtered by name.


gr_name Only groups whose names contain this string are returned.
Default value: empty string (i.e., all groups will be returned)
gr_id Return the group with this exact ID.


The <Response> element contains a <group> element for every group that matches the criteria. Each group element contains an <id> element as well as an element for every available parameter that can be set using addGroup and editGroup.

If an error occurs, the <Response> element will contain the text ERROR.

Example: Retrieve information on all groups containing the word “support”.

Example data

  • gr_name=support: Only groups with a name containing “support” are displayed.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gr_name=support" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/groups/getGroups.asp


            <name>1st level support</name>
            <name>2nd level support</name>
            <name>Internal support</name>