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Info: All examples shown here use the following placeholders. Replace these placeholders with the appropriate data:
All functions used for member management are called by URLs containing the following path:
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Add a member to a group.
gr_id | Mandatory. The ID of the group to which the member is added. | ||||||
usr_Name | Mandatory. The Callisto user name to associate with the new member. | ||||||
mb_number | Mandatory. The member’s phone number. | ||||||
gm_shortName |
The member’s short name. If omitted, a short name will be generated automatically. | ||||||
gm_type |
Boolean. Set the type of the member.
Default value: 0 |
displayedGroup |
Set which group to show on the member’s phone status display.
Default value: 0 |
The <Response> element contains two child elements:
The <id> element contains the ID of the newly added member.
The <status> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:
OK: | The new member was added to the group successfully. |
PARAMETER_MISSING: | One or more mandatory parameters are missing. |
INVALID_GROUP_ID: | No group with the given ID exists. |
INVALID_USERNAME: | No Callisto user with the given name exists. |
MANAGER_ALREADY_EXISTS: | If a member in the group is already assigned as manager, and the new member gm_type is set to 1, this error will be thrown as a group cannot have more than one manager. |
ERROR: | Unknown error. |
Example: Add the user Maria.Rossi to the group with the ID 45.
gr_id=45: | ID of the group. |
usr_Name=Maria.Rossi: | Name of the member (as set in Callisto). |
mb_number=1071: | Phone number of the member. |
gm_shortName=Mar: | Short name for the member. |
gm_type=1: | The member will be assigned the role of the group manager. |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gr_id=45&usr_Name=Maria.Rossi&mb_number=1071&gm_shortName=Mar&gm_type=1" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/addMember.asp
<Callisto> <Request>addMember</Request> <Response> <id>221</id> <status>OK</status> </Response> </Callisto>
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Add a member to a group.
mb_id | Mandatory if usr_Name is omitted. The ID of the member to delete. |
usr_Name |
Mandatory if mb_id is omitted. The Callisto user name associated with the member to delete. Important: A user can be associated with multiple members (i.e. when a user has multiple phones). If both mb_id and usr_Name are provided, mb_id has priority. |
gr_id |
The ID of the group from which the member is to be removed. Default value: empty string (i.e., the member is deleted from all groups) |
The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:
OK: | The member was deleted successfully. |
PARAMETER_MISSING: | One mandatory parameter is missing. |
INVALID_MEMBER_ID: | No member with the given ID exists. |
ERROR: | Unknown error. |
Example: Add the user Maria.Rossi to the group with the ID 45.
mb_id=221: | ID of the member. |
gr_id=45: | ID of the group. |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "mb_id=221&gr_id=45" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/deleteMember.asp
<Callisto> <Request>deleteMember</Request> <Response>OK</Response> </Callisto>
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Edit the parameters of a group member.
mb_id | Mandatory if usr_Name is omitted. The ID of the member to delete. | ||||||
usr_Name |
Mandatory if mb_id is omitted. The Callisto user name associated with the member to delete. Info: A user can be associated with multiple members (i.e. when a user has multiple phones). If both mb_id and usr_Name are provided, only mb_id is used. |
gr_id |
ID of the group in which the member’ parameters are changed. Default value: empty string (i.e., parameters will be changed for every instance where the member is present) |
mb_number |
The member’s phone number. warning: If usr_Name is used to determine the user, only change the mb_number if the user is associated with one single mb_id. If the user is associated with multiple members, changing the mb_number can cause unpredictable results. |
gm_shortName |
The member’s short name. | ||||||
displayedGroup |
Set which group to show on the member’s phone status display.
Default value: 0 |
The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:
OK: | The member’s data was edited successfully. |
PARAMETER_MISSING: | One mandatory parameter is missing. |
INVALID_MEMBER_ID: | No member with the given ID exists. |
INVALID_USERNAME: | No Callisto user with the given name exists. |
ERROR: | Unknown error. |
Example: In the group with the ID 45, change the short name of the member with the ID 221 to Ros.
mb_id=221: | ID of the member. |
gr_id=45: | ID of the group. |
gm_shortName=Ros: | Short name for the member. |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "mb_id=221&gr_id=45&gm_shortName=Ros" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/editMember.asp
<Callisto> <Request>editMember</Request> <Response>OK</Response> </Callisto>
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Return all members in the application instance. Members can be filtered by first name, last name, phone number, short name or group in which they are. Filters by logical conjunction (i.e., only results that contain a match for all filters will be shown).
mb_id | Find a member by ID. |
usr_Name | Filter members by the associated Callisto user name. |
gm_type |
Boolean. Filter by type of the member.
firstName | Filter by first name. |
lastName | Filter by last name. |
mb_number | Filter by phone number. |
gm_shortName | Filter by short name. |
gr_id | Show only members of the group with this ID. |
The <Response> element contains a <member> element for every member that matches the criteria. Each <member> element contains the parameters that can be set using addMember and editMember. Additional elements are:
<id>: | The member’s ID. |
<index>: | The position of the member inside the group member list. |
<userState>: | The current presence status of the member. |
<forwardDestination>: | The current forwarding destination of the member. |
<statusMessage>: | The current status message of the member. |
<lineState>: | The current phone status of the member. |
If an error occurs, the <Response> element will contain the text ERROR.
Example: Get all assistants from the group with the ID 45.
gm_type=0: | Filter by members whose type is assistant. |
gr_id=45: | Limit results to members of the group with the ID 45. |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gm_type=0&gr_id=45" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/getMembers.asp
<Callisto> <Request>getMembers</Request> <Response> <member> <id>198</id> <firstName>Rafael</firstName> <lastName>Hidalgo</lastName> <number>1175</number> <type>0</type> <grId>45</grId> <userName>Rafael.Hidalgo</userName> <index>1</index> <shortName>Raf</shortName> <displayedGroup>45</displayedGroup> <userState>0</userState> <forwardDestination></forwardDestination> <statusMessage></statusMessage> <lineState>0</lineState> </member> <member> <id>102</id> <firstName>Aradhana</firstName> <lastName>Jaggi</lastName> … </member> <member> <id>103</id> <firstName>Léonard</firstName> <lastName>Saligny</lastName> … </member> … </Response> </Callisto>
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Reorder a group’s member list by providing an ordered list.
gr_id | Mandatory. Group whose member list is to be reordered. |
usr_list |
Mandatory. A comma-separated list of all users in the desired order. Use the username as set in Callisto. Important: All members’ usernames must be present. |
The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:
OK: | The member list was reordered successfully. |
PARAMETER_MISSING: | One ore more mandatory parameters are missing. |
INVALID_PARAMETERS: | Either no group with the given ID exists, or the provided list doesn’t contain all group members. |
ERROR: | Unknown error. |
Example: Reorder the member list of the group with the ID 64, which has four members.
gr_id=64: | Apply the member list reordering to this group. |
usr_list=maria.santos, chiyo.fujimoto,romeo.girard, frederique.voclain: |
Every member in the group, set in the desired order. |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "gr_id=64&usr_list=maria.santos,chiyo.fujimoto,romeo.girard,frederique.voclain" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/orderByUserList.asp
<Callisto> <Request>orderByUserList</Request> <Response>OK</Response> </Callisto>
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Move a single member up or down in a group’s member list.
mb_id |
Mandatory if usr_Name is omitted. The ID of the member to reorder. |
usr_Name |
Mandatory if mb_id is omitted. The Callisto user name associated with the member to reorder. important: A user can be associated with multiple members (i.e. when a user has multiple phones). In this case, the action will only be applied to the first matching member. If both mb_id and usr_Name are provided, mb_id has priority. |
gr_id | Mandatory. Group whose member list is to be reordered. |
move | Mandatory. Possible values are up or down. Set whether the user is to be moved up or down in the member list. |
The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:
OK: | The member’s order in the member list was reordered successfully. |
PARAMETER_MISSING: | One ore more mandatory parameters are missing. |
INVALID_PARAMETERS: | Either no group with the given ID exists, or the provided list doesn’t contain all group members. |
ERROR: | Unknown error. |
Example: In the group with the ID 64, move the member chiyo.fujimoto up one position in the member list.
Before executing reorderMembers
After executing reorderMembers
mb_id=279: | The ID of chiyo.fujimoto. |
gr_id=64: | The ID of the group to apply the action. |
move=up: | Move chiyo.fujimoto up in the member list. |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "mb_id=279&gr_id=64&move=up" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/reorderMembers.asp
<Callisto> <Request>reorderMembers</Request> <Response>OK</Response> </Callisto>
HTTP request methods: POST; GET
Set a single member’s presence status and status message.
mb_id |
Mandatory if usr_Name is omitted. The ID of the member whose presence status to set. |
usr_Name |
Mandatory if mb_id is omitted. The Callisto user name associated with the member whose presence status to set. important: A user can be associated with multiple members (i.e. when a user has multiple phones). If both mb_id and usr_Name are provided, mb_id has priority. |
presenceState |
Mandatory. The member’s new presence state. The following values are accepted:
presenceMessage |
Set a custom status message. Hint: Use percent-encoding if the message contains special characters. |
The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:
OK: | The member’s presence status was updated successfully. |
PARAMETER_MISSING: | One ore more mandatory parameters are missing. |
INVALID_PARAMETERS: | Either no group with the given ID exists, or the provided list doesn’t contain all group members. |
INVALID_STATE: | The provided presence status value isn’t valid. |
INVALID_MEMBER_ID: | No member with the given ID exists. |
ERROR: | Unknown error. |
Example: Change the presence status of the member with the ID 279 to away and set the member’s status message to “Out for lunch.”
mb_id=279 |
The ID of the member whose status to change. |
presenceState=1 | The presence status will be set to away. |
presenceMessage=Out%20for%20lunch | The new status message (percent-encoded). |
curl --user <user>:<password> --data "mb_id=279&presenceState=1&presenceMessage=Out%20for%20lunch" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/members/setPresence.asp
<Callisto> <Request>setPresence<</Request> <Response>OK</Response> </Callisto>