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Knowledge Base

Service functions

Table of Contents

Info: All examples shown here use the following placeholders. Replace these placeholders with the appropriate data:

  • <user> and <password>: Credentials of a Callisto user with REST Authentication privilege.
  • <callisto>: The base domain name or IP address of the Callisto server.
  • <MAGroup>: The name of the ManagerAssistant Group application instance to call.

All functions related to phone services and service integration are called by URLs containing the following path:



HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Retrieves the integration URLs. With these URLs, the ManagerAssistant Group instance can be integrated in Jabber, COC, or as a standalone gadget in any modern web browser.



The login method to use for accessing the services. The following values are available:

manual: The user will be prompted to log in manually when accessing the URL. Recommended for terminals used by multiple users.
auto: Provides URLs containing two xxx placeholders that need to be replaced with a user’s username and password. Accessing this URL will perform automatic login using the provided credentials. Recommended for Jabber integration.
coc: To be used with the Callisto Operator Console. Will perform automatig login based in the credentials used in the COC application.

If this parameter is omitted, all available URLs are returned.


If the parameter login was set, the <Response> element contains the requested URL in an element labeled <IntegrationURL>.

If the parameter login was not set, the <Response> element contains an element labeled <IntegrationURLs> which contains three elements labeled <manual>, <auto>, and <coc>, each containing the respective integration URL.

Example 1: Retrieve the integration URL using manual login.

Example data

  • login=manual: Retrieve the URL using manual login.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "login=manual" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/services/getIntegrationURLs.asp



Example 2: Retrieve all integration URLs.


curl --user <user>:<password> http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/services/getIntegrationURLs.asp




HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Retrieves URLs used for CUCM phone services.



The name of the service whose URL to retrieve. The following values are available:

MainMenu: URL to access the phone main menu.
1ButtonService: URL to access the 1 Button Service.
TransferCall: URL to access the transfer call service.
PickupCalls: URL to access the pickup calls service.
DirectCall: URL to access the direct call service.
ChangeGroup: URL to access the change group service.
ChangeStatus: URL to access the change status service.
TeamStatus: URL to access the team status service.
SetForwarding: URL to access the set forwarding service.

If this parameter is omitted, all available URLs are returned.


The <Response> element contains the requested URLs in respectively labeled elements.

Example 1: Retrieve the integration URL for the 1 Button Service.

Example data

  • service=1ButtonService: Retrieve the URL for the 1 Button Service.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "service=1ButtonService" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/services/getPhoneServiceURLs.asp



Example 2: Retrieve the integration URLs for all phone services.


curl --user <user>:<password> http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/services/getPhoneServiceURLs.asp

