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VIP management functions

Table of Contents

Info: All examples shown here use the following placeholders. Replace these placeholders with the appropriate data:

  • <user> and <password>: Credentials of a Callisto user with REST Authentication privilege.
  • <callisto>: The base domain name or IP address of the Callisto server.
  • <MAGroup>: The name of the ManagerAssistant Group application instance to call.

All functions related to VIP contact management and service integration are called by URLs containing the following path:



HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Add a VIP contact to a manager’s VIP list.


vn_number: Mandatory. The number of the VIP contact to add.
vn_description: A description for the VIP contact.
mb_id: Mandatory. The ID of the manager to whose list the VIP contact is added.


The <Response> element contains two child elements:

The <id> element contains the ID of the newly added VIP contact.

The <status> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:

OK: The VIP contact was added successfully.
PARAMETER_MISSING: One or more mandatory parameters are missing.
ERROR: Unknown error.

Example: Add the VIP number 3132 to the VIP list of a manager.

Example data

vn_number=3132: The number to add.
mb_id=27: Add the number to this manager’s VIP list.
vn_description=Project leader: A description for the new VIP contact.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "vn_number=3132&mb_id=27" --data-urlencode"vn_description=Project leader" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/vip/addVIPNumber.asp




HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Delete a VIP contact from the application instance.


vn_id Mandatory. The ID of the VIP contact to delete.


The <Response> element contains the status of the executed action. The following four statuses are possible:

OK: The VIP contact was added successfully.
PARAMETER_MISSING: The mandatory parameter is missing.
INVALID_VIP_NUMBER_ID: No VIP contact with the given ID exists.
ERROR: Unknown error.

Example: Delete the VIP contact with the ID 716.

Example data

  • vn_id=716: Delete the VIP contact with this ID.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "vn_id=716" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/vip/deleteVIPNumber.asp




HTTP request methods: POST; GET

Retrieve VIP contact information from this application instance. The returned contacts can be limited to a number and/or a specific manager’s VIP list.


mb_id Limit results to the VIP list of the manager with this ID.
Limit results to VIP contacts with this VIP number.


The <Response> element contains a <VIPNumber> element for every VIP contact that matches the criteria. Each <VIPNumber> element contains the folowing data:

<id>: The VIP contact’s ID.
<number>: The number of the VIP contact.
<description>: The description of the contact.
<mangId>: The ID of the manager in whose list this VIP contact is saved.
<FirstName>: The VIP contact’s first name.
<LastName>: The VIP contact’s last name.

If an error occurs, the <Response> element will contain the text ERROR.

Example: Show all VIP contacts in the list of the manager with the ID 72.

Example data

  • mb_id=72: Limit results to this manager’s VIP list.


curl --user <user>:<password> --data "mb_id=72" http://<callisto>/Applications/inbound/<MAGroup>/rest/vip/getVIPNumbers.asp


            <description>Head of Accounting</description>