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Table of Contents

This tab contains the general settings.

Setting Description
Concurrent calls Limit how many calls can be conducted using PINCode Telephony at a given time.
Use user number as caller number

This option is available when Use Callisto users for authentication is enabled.

If checked, the Callisto user number of the caller is used as caller identification.

If unchecked, the number entered in Caller number will be used.

Caller number

This number is used as caller identification for external calls. If the field is left empty, then the line number associated with this PINCode Telephony instance (see Open Application Manager) will be used as caller identification.

Type of Calls Set the type of calls that will conducted with this instance of PINCode Telephony. See section Admission control.
Use Callisto users for authentication

If checked, user data present in Callisto will be used for authentication.

With the Select group drop-down menu, usage of PINCode Telephony can be restricted to users who are members of the selected group. For managing user groups, seethe chapter User administration in the Callisto platform administration manual.

Info: The state of this option depends on the selected type of call.

  • If crew is set, this option can be enabled or disabled manually.
  • If pax is set, this option is always disabled.
  • If admin is set, this option is always enabled.
Use PIN only authentication If checked, the application will ask only for the PIN to authenticate the caller. Otherwise, the caller must enter the safety/manning number as well.
Enable PINCode Telephony direct Enable or disable the PINCode Telephony direct function. If enabled, a PINCode Telephony direct prefix needs to be defined as well. This prefix must also be defined in the inbound manager, and respective calls need to be routed to Callisto.

Admission control

Multiple types of users can be billed differently by setting up multiple instances of PINCode Telephony and setting a different option from the Type of Calls drop-down menu. Three types of calls are available:

crew: The instance is used for crew calls. Crew members and Callisto users with the appropriate privileges can use this instance. Crew members will be charged according to the passenger tariff (see Cruise Base – Billing), and Callisto users will be excluded from billing.
pax: The instance is used for passenger calls. Only passengers can use this instance and will be charged according to the passenger tariff (see Cruise Base – Billing).
admin: The instance is used for admin calls (usually by officers on the vessel). Select a Callisto user group from the drop-down menu labeled Select group; only members of the selected group can use this instance and will be excluded from billing.