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Knowledge Base

Maintenance and service

Table of Contents

The Callisto concept ensures a maintenance-free system for years. In the unlikely event of a system failure, CTModule differentiates between services within a defined warranty period and those outside a defined warranty period.

The warranty duration is defined in the relevant GTC document, valid at date of purchase. After warranty expiration, CTModule endeavors to facilitate replacements quickly and efficiently in order to keep down-time to a minimum.

Backup and restore

It is highly recommended to backup system parameters and user settings periodically, especially immediately before and after large changes. Additionally, the system database should be cleaned up from time to time by choosing System > Backup and clicking the Compact button.

Important: After a system update, it is essential to generate a new backup. Earlier backups may not be compatible any longer.

  • To clean the current Callisto database, click the Compact button. The database will be cleaned and the new file size will be displayed.
  • To back up all Callisto data (including voice mails, fax mails, personal greetings etc.), click the Backup tab. You can set a password for the backup file or leave the password field empty. Click the Backup button; after the backup process is finished, a ZIP file containing all Callisto configurations and settings will be downloaded to your hard drive.
    A backup can also be done to an (S)FTP server using the startup script Backup Scheduler.
  • In the tab Restore, you can restore the Callisto installation from a backup file. Select HTTP Upload to upload a file from your hard drive or use FTP Server / SFTP Server if your backup file is saved on a respective server.

Updates and upgrades

Occasionally, CTModule provides Callisto updates and upgrades. Updates contain bug fixes, minor improvements, or minor functional extensions of the Callisto software and are provided free of charge. Upgrades are new Callisto software packages, providing a substantially extended set of features and are are available for purchase.

  1. Read any notes or information provided alongside the downloaded files. Upload and install the updates/upgrades by choosing on System > Update System and upload the installation files to the Callisto system. Normally, a system restart is not required.
  2. After the upload is finished, the file appears under the section Install. Check the data and install the software by clicking Install. You can delete the uploaded software from the list by clicking the recycle icon.

Important: After a system update, it is essential to generate a new backup. Earlier backups may not be compatible any longer.

Bug reporting

Before you report a bug, please check the following:

  • The hardware on which Callisto is installed is set up and working properly.
  • The system on which Callisto is installed is properly connected to the network.
  • Entering http://callisto/ or the root address of the Callisto installation on a client PC's browser will shows the Callisto login window.
  • The Cisco Unified Communications Manager is configured correctly according to the Cisco UCM configuration manual.
  • The communication between the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Callisto is working.

If you experience any problems, contact your Callisto dealer or follow the instructions according to the Callisto GTC and/or SLA. In case of software and/or configuration problems, you might be requested to activate trace logging, which is described in detail in the following section.

Telnet access

Telnet access is an alternative way of configuring some functions in the Callisto system and/or providing extended configuration sets, which are not accessible via the web GUI. Additionally, tracing can be enabled, which may be helpful during analysis of software/configuration problems.

By default, Telnet access is provided by port 23 of the appliance. Consult with your system administrator on how to establish a Telnet connection.

Via Telnet, use your administrator credentials to log on. You can select between the following options:


If you select this option, your Telnet client displays all running processes Callisto is currently executing. This trace information will be saved to a log file and may be used to analyze software/configuration problems. Try to keep the trace records as brief as possible so that they only contain actions relevant to the issue.

Repair Database

Starts the database maintenance routine. The web server will be stopped temporarily during this process.

System Variables

Enables modifying configurations which are not accessible by web. The following system variables may be displayed and/or changed:

Variable Description Values
gBridgeTransfer Calls are transferred with the CUCM(E) or bridged if CUCM(E) doesn’t support transfer.
  • 0 (default):
    Use PBX transfer.
  • 1:
    Transfer will not be used and the call is bridged through Callisto.
gCocProxyMemory Heap-memory available for the COC proxy. <integer>:
Memory in megabytes
gCocProxyRestart Enables periodic restarts of the COC proxy.


  • <DayBitmask>:
    Integer, see day bit masks.
  • <Time>:
    Time of day, in 24h format.
gDefaultMailbox Forwarded voice messages, which are not assigned to any user, will be routed to this box
  • <blank> (default):
    No default mailbox.
  • <integer>:
    Internal user number to be used as box number.
gDisablePersHistory Deactivates the Web menu Reporting for users without access rights to detailed reports. Thus, these users also have no access to the logs of their own phone extension.
  • 0 (default):
    Personal reporting on.
  • 1:
    Personal reporting off.
gInboxNotifyRefresh Defines the time interval after which the display of the number of new messages should be refreshed. <integer>:
Interval in seconds (default: 60).
gMCSpeakNumber For MobileConnect: speaks out the number of the caller.
  • 1 (default):
    Number is spoken.
  • 0:
    Number is not spoken.
gMwiWebControls Shows in the voice mail settings the MWI controls (MWI lamp on/off) in the Web interface.
  • 0 (default):
    Controls hidden.
  • 1:
    Controls shown.
gMaxForwardNumberLen Maximum length of a diverted number. This way, you can limit diversion, e.g. only to internal users. <integer> equal to or smaller than 100:
Number length (default: 100).
gPhoneLoginWithNumber Switches on and off prompting for a box number when logging in with by phone. Turning on prompting gives you the possibility to log in to other boxes.
  • 0 (default):
    Automatic dialing of the box number.
  • 1:
    Box number will be prompted.
gPhonePrivateDirPIN If PIN always prompt is set and gPhonePrivateDirPIN has the value 1, the Private Directory for the Cisco phone will protected by a PIN code.
  • 0 (default):
    No PIN code requested.
  • 1:
    PIN code requested.
gRecordVolume Volume for audio recordings.

Audio volume, in percent of the system value (default: 400).

gStripCallerID Set a number of digits that will be stripped from the beginning of the CallerID. This way, you can omit unnecessary leading zeroes.

<integer> (default: 0)


Automatically set the line name of the phone with the actual user name (Callisto Express only)

  • 0 (default):
  • 1:
gTimeServer Used time server. string (default:
gTransferWithCallerID Outgoing calls are signalled with the caller number.
  • 0 (default on UCME):
    Voice mail number will be used.
  • 1 (default on UCM, One):
    Caller number will be used.

Enables daily restarts of the web server.


  • <DayBitmask>:
    Integer, see day bit masks.
  • <Time>:
    time of day, in 24h format.
gWebTimeout Timeout period after which an inactive web user automatically is logged out by the Callisto system. <integer>:
Minutes to wait until logout (default: 20). Set to 0 to deactivate automatic logout.

Day bit masks

A day bit mask is an integer between 0 and 127 which, when converted into binary, will show a string where every day of the week is represented by a single bit. Whether a bit is set to 1 or 0 will mark the corresponding day of the week active or inactive, respectively.

The decimal value of the day bit mask is therefore the sum of all the active days, with each day having the following values:

  • Sunday: 1
  • Monday: 2
  • Tuesday: 4
  • Wednesday: 8
  • Thursday: 16
  • Friday: 32
  • Saturday: 64

Example: You want the web server to restart every Sunday and Wednesday. In a bit string, set the bits representing Sunday and Wednesday to 1 and every other day to 0:

Sat Fri Thu Wed Tue Mon Sun
0 0 0 1 0 0 1

The number 0001001 is written as 9 in decimal. Therefore, setting the value of gWebServerRestart to 9,02:00 will restart the web server every Sunday and Wednesday at 02:00 am.

System Information

Provides an overview of the most important system information.

Set Date/Time

Offers the possibility to set the Callisto Date and Time.