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Table of Contents

System parameters

On the navigation bar, click on System > System Parameter. Here, a multitude of settings and parameters can be examined and changed by the administrator.

Callisto IP address(DHCP or static)

To set the parameters for a static IP configuration, click IP Configuration….

Secure web access

To set the parameters for a SSL web access, click TLS Configuration.

In the Options drop-down list, you can generate a new self signed certificate or import an existing one. The Import Certificate function only supports PFX files with a set password.

Next to the certificate name, buttons to export to PEM (i.e. for CUCM trusted certificates) and PFX formats are available for moving the certificate to another installation. PFX files will have the password callisto. Click Activate on the certificate to use this certificate and activate secure web access.

Other system parameters

In the Company text field, you can enter a custom text to identify your company. This text is displayed on the header of the web frontend and on the Cisco IP Phones if a system notification is sent (e.g. voicemails or fax information).

The parameter External URL is used to synchronize the “email marked as read” tag between the user’s email application and Callisto. If a user opens a voicemail or a fax message in their email application, the message will also be set to “read” on the Callisto system. This URL must be accessible from the outside web and point to the internal Callisto IP (port forward). You can also use HTTPS if activated on Callisto. The user must allow the download of external images for the Callisto email sender address (see Subsection “E-Mail”).

Subsection “Unified Communications Manager Express”

Info: This section is only available on Callisto for CUCM Express.

Type the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express’ Router IP Address and Subnetmask, including Router Password and Router Enable Password. Entering a Router User is optional.

Check Extension Mobility if you have users with EM enabled. Otherwise, leave this parameter unchecked to prevent unnecessary system load.

Subsection “Unified Communications Manager”

Info: This section is only available on Callisto for Cisco UCM, HCS, Webex.

  • In the field IP Address, type the address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager publisher.
  • In the field Failover IP, type the address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager subscriber. The subscriber IP is used if the publisher cannot be reached. Callisto will then use the subscriber for all calls until the publisher is reconnecting to Callisto.
  • Select the Version of your Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
  • Check Extension Mobility if you have users with EM enabled. Otherwise leave this parameter unchecked to prevent unnecessary system load.
  • Type the Username and Password for the Cisco Unified Communications Manager access user.
  • Type the Fax Gateway IP Address (only for fax termination). Leave it empty to use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager’s IP for fax sending.

For the router and phone user configuration on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, refer to the Callisto installation manual.

Subsection “Security”

Phone authentication

Type the Username and Password for phone authentication (XML-Push).


  • Check the Secure SIP (TLS, SRTP) box to enable secured traffic to and from Callisto.
  • Check the Telnet enabled box to monitor Callisto actions.

Syslog Server

If you want to use a syslog server, you can enter the connection details here.

Subsection “Messages”

  • In the field Voicemail Number, type in the Voice Mail Pilot Number as configured in the Cisco UCM(see Cisco UCM configuration manual).
  • Type the number of days after which old messages should be deleted in the Delete old messages after field. (0 = never)
  • The External prefix is the prefix required to be entered by users to facilitate external calls during normal operation in the  box. Applying the prefix depends on the following two parameters. Leaving the field empty will disable the external prefix.

    Important: In order to use the external prefix, either one of the two parameters Internal number length or Internal prefix must be set.

  • The Internal number length enables Callisto to distinguish between internal and external calls based on the length of the entered number. Setting it to 0 or leaving it empty disables this function.
  • Internal prefix can be used as an alternative to the parameter above. If you have internal extensions of different length or using the e.164 number format on your trunk, use this method. This parameter is used to identify internal users and applying the external prefix on external calls. Leaving the field empty disables this function.
  • The System language sets the display language that is used when a user calls Callisto from an external number before logging on.
  • Audio Format determines the format in which voicemail attachments are saved.
  • Using the Fax Format parameter, fax documents can be saved in either TIFF or PDF format.
  • The MWI On and MWI Off Number parameters are only available with CUCM. These correspond to the MWI numbers configured in the Cisco UCM (see Cisco UCM configuration manual).

Info: To listen to a voice mail by phone, dial the internal voice mail number. This number is dialled by users to access the voice messages for their phone. For external access an external number on the public telephone network must point to the internal number.

Subsection “E-Mail & SMS”

E-Mail settings

Enter your SMTP Server and Addressor's address as seen in the screen shot; optionally, for SMTP (RFC 2821) authentication, a Username and Password can be set.

In the section Failover, you can set an alternative email server if the primary one cannot be reached. The primary connection availability will be checked each time an email is send by Callisto.

SMS settings

Using Callisto, SMS can be either sent using the third-party provider or a custom email provider. The Settings dialog box will be different depending on the selected provider.

Select from the SMS Provider drop-down list and click on Settings…, then enter the credentials of an active account.

E-Mail ⇒ SMS

Using this method, Callisto will send an email to a provider of your choice. The provider will then convert the email into an SMS and forward the message.

Select Email to SMS from the SMS Provider drop-down list and click on Settings….

The term <SMSNumber>  is a placeholder and will be automatically replaced with the recipient’s phone number. Depending on the provider, this placeholder must be used either as part of the Receiver address or the message Subject in order to have the SMS properly forwarded.

Subsection “Alarm messages”

In order to use this function, the email configuration described above must be set up and running. Alarm messages will be sent to the address entered in the E-Mail field.

Exceeding the number of simultaneous calls will set the maximum calls that can be connected simultaneously before an alarm message is sent.

On Callisto for Cisco UCME

Clicking the Router Settings button displays the current Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express configuration.

When saving the system parameters, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express is configured automatically by Callisto.

On any Callisto Platform

Save the current settings by clicking the Save button.

Important: For the phone configurations to take effect, reboot the Cisco phones. Go to System -> Cisco Phone on the navigation bar, then click on the Reboot all button.

Cisco settings

Callisto for Cisco UCME only

On the Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express, features such as routing of external to internal phone numbers can be configured, which can be used for remote access to voice mail boxes, fax and conference rooms.

Start the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express configuration Web interface by clicking System on the navigation bar, then click Cisco Settings. For further information please refer to the manuals provided by Cisco Systems.

System phones

Clicking System > System Phones will list all IP Phones connected to the system. Phones can be rebooted individually by clicking on the Reboot button on the right side of the phone’s list entry. All phones can be rebooted simultaneously by clicking the Reboot all button. Clicking on the camera icon will generate a screenshot of the phone’s diplay.

Info: Depending on the number of phones connected, generating a complete list can take several minutes.

The Extended… button generates a txt file with extended information on the phones, such as hardware revision, serial number, load information and memory overview. Generating this list can also take several minutes.

Only on Callisto for Cisco UCM, HCM, Webex

To initiate a manual import of the phones from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, click the Import button. Alternatively, the import can be performed using the startup script “Import User Phones”.

Startup scripts

Update icon
Configure icon

Clicking on Startup Scripts will open the startup script management application. Here, scripts can be transferred to the Callisto system by clicking the button New Application.The scripts can be configured to start automatically during system boot.

Use the Update icon to install or update your application. The Configure icon opens the configuration if the application has a GUI.

Cisco Services

Services button

Pressing the Services button on the Cisco IP Phone will by default display a selection screen for global and local directories. By choosing System > Cisco Services configuration, additional services can be set up that will appear in the Cisco Services selection screen. Examples of such services include:

  • Weather forecast, currency and unit converter, world clocks, calendars, etc.
  • Visualization and alarming features
  • Control for equipment and devices (e.g. intercom systems and door control)
  • Directory services

Cisco Services can be managed by choosing System > Cisco Services. A simple example for a service is a quick-dial number: Enter a number in the URL field using the format Dial:<number>, where <number> is any valid phone number.

Checking All overrides any user privilege settings and makes the service available to all Callisto users.Checking Web enables the web frontend of this service and makes it available in the the user web GUI. This will only work for Cisco Services that have a dedicated web GUI.

Info: Make sure that the URL of the Callisto Platform is configured properly in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Please refer to the Installation Manual.

Music on hold

You can change the music that plays when a phone user is put on hold by uploading a custom .wav file to Callisto. To do so, navigate to Music on hold > Browse > Upload.

After uploading, select the file and click Activate.

Recycle icon

Files can be deleted by clicking the recycle icon.

The .wav files need to be of the following format: CCITT A-Law 8 kHz; 8 Bit; Mono.

Per default, a Cisco music file (Cisco_default.wav) is activated.

On Callisto for UCME

The selection will be automatically stored on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express and will be used for all functions that use music on hold.

URL abbreviations

With URL abbreviations, you can shorten URLs using a single ID.

The example above would shorten the URL to http://<callisto>/ShortURL.asp?id=1 , with <callisto> being the domain name or IP address of your Callisto system and the value after id= being the number to the left of the original URL.

The checkbox to the right of the URL defines how the abbreviated URL will be linked:

  • Unchecked: Bridging.
  • Checked: Redirect. This option is more efficient, but may not work on all devices.

Callisto license

The basic version of the Callisto Platform includes four lines (Callisto for UCM, HCS, Webex) or two lines (Callisto for UCME), excluding any options. If you purchase any additional features or upgrades, you will receive a new license key that can be changed by choosing System > Callisto License. To obtain additional license keys, please contact your Callisto dealer (see Options).

Info: The option Voice Recording is only available on Callisto for UCM.