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Knowledge Base

Message settings

Table of Contents

The first item in the Messages menu are the settings regarding voice mails, Fax messages, and SMS messages.


To access voice mail from any phone, setting a User PIN is required. This PIN may consist of an arbitrary number of digits. After dialing in, type your phone extension and then authenticate by typing your PIN.

Selecting Always prompt will promt the PIN any time you access voice mail, also when using your internal Cisco IP phone.


Set the phone’s forwarding actions. These settings can be configured individually for the call diversion states Unconditional, Busy and No Answer.

To configure a call diversion state’s forwarding settings, click on the respective tab. The following settings are available:

No Forwarding Your phone will be called directly.
Voicemail Calls will be forwarded to your voice mail box.
To Number Calls will be forwarded to the provided number.
Voicemail with Transfer Callers are asked to leave a voice mail; if they refuse, calls will be forwarded to your mail box.
Mobile Connect Calls will be forwarded to a mobile number or any other external phone number (see section Mobile Connect).
Forward after […] Seconds Set the time the phone will keep ringing before forwarding the call. This option is only available for the No Answer state.

Mobile Connect

Allows you to forward a call to a mobile phone or any other external phone. On the configured phone, your company’s central number will be shown as caller. After accepting by pressing the key 1 on your phone, an automatic voice message announces the caller’s number (if available). Hanging up dismisses the call.

All calls that make use of Mobile Connect have the following capabilities:

Call-back to internal or external parties

During the call, press the star key on your phone. The call will be held while you enter an internal or external phone number to which this call should be redirected. Wait until the connection is established. Alternatively, you can return to the held call at any time by pressing the star key again.

Transfer an internal or external party

Follow the same steps as with Call-back to an internal or external party. Once the internal or external party answers the phone, press the pound key # ort hang up; the call will automatically be transferred to the called party.

Three-way conference

Follow the same steps as with Call-back to an internal or external party but instead of pressing the star key, press 3 after the third party has answered. The calls will be connected to a three-party conference.


Forward to Email Account will send an email to your account whenever such a message arrives. The voice mail or fax message itself will be included in the email as attachment.

Mark messages as read will mark messages as read and stores them as old messages; no messages are subsequently signaled on any phones, neither by means of MWImessage waiting indicator nor on the displays. Select this option if you use an external email client only and do not intend to access your voice mail messages on the phone or via Callisto’s web interface.

Send SMS when receiving a message will send a notification to your mobile phone whenever a new message arrives. This option is only available if your account is authorized to send SMS messages.


Here you can modify and select your custom messages and announcements. The following options are available:

  • Standard option for Callisto standard welcome message
  • Announcement A option for your custom welcome message A
  • Announcement B option for your custom welcome message B
  • Announcement C option for your custom welcome message C

Select the Recording active check box next to the corresponding message to give callers the ability to leave a message. Per default, the standard greeting has recording enabled.

To record a custom message, you can either use the phone (see Phone functions – Change settings) or upload a wave file:

  1. In the Announcement menu, click Upload new audio file.
  2. From the Announcement drop-down menu, click either Announcement A, Announcement B, or Announcement C.
  3. Click Browse and select the target file.
  4. Upload the wave file to Callisto by clicking Upload.

Wave files must be of the format Wave (PCM); 8 kHz; 16 Bit; mono.

To listen to a message, click on the speaker icon.

Info: On rare occasions, the MWI of your phone desynchronizes with new incoming voice messages. To resolve this, you can calibrate the MWI with the MWI On or Off buttons (if the option is available).

Make sure to click Save, otherwise any changes will be lost.