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Knowledge Base


Table of Contents

This section provides various detailed reports and statistics. Reports can be generated per month or for a specific time period.

There are four types of reports:

  • Details: Detailed reports on calls handled by ProfACD queues.
  • Agents: Reports and statistics on agents’ activities.
  • Queue Time: Reports and statistics on the queues.
  • Login History: Reports on login and logoff times of the agents.

Each report can be either displayed in the browser or exported as an Excel file. Additionally, all reports except Login History feature a graph view which visualizes the data as a bar chart.

To generate a report, set a time range in the Start and End fields, choose the report type from the drop-down menu and how to output the data with the radio buttons, and chick the Report button. Alternatively, you can select the report for a specific month from the reports list and clicking the corresponding icon in the row.

After selecting the time range, report type and output type, a pop-up window will appear where the data can be limited to a single call queue or agent. For detail and agent reports, an option section labeled Non ACD Calls lets you set whether calls not managed by ProfACD (i.e., internal calls) shall be included in the report as well.

Detail reports

These reports provide detailed information about calls which are handled by ProfACD queues. They contain the following information:

Date The date and time the call was made.
Caller The caller’s number.
Called The number dialed by the caller.
AcdTime How long the call was processed byProfACD (i.e. playing announcements or prompting DTMF input).
AcdSelection Name of the queue which the call entered.
Queue Time How long the call remained waiting in the queue.
Agent The internal number of the agent who picked up the call. If the call was not picked up, this column will show the call’s termination state (see Termination states).
Call Time The duration of the active call between the caller and the agent.
Total Time The total duration of the call (including time spent in menu and waiting in queue).
Call Flow If the call was transferred among multiple agents, a list will show all the agents the caller was connected to and the duration of each individual call.
Missed If the call did not connect to any agents, a list will show all the agents whose phone rang and the reason why the call remained unanswered (Timeout or Busy).

Termination states

If a call remained unanswered, the column Agent will contain the state under which the call was terminated. The following termination states exist:

NB hours The call was handled by the non-business hours scheduler.
Holidays The call was handled by the holidays scheduler.
Caller abort (0) The caller hanged up during a DTMF prompt.
Caller abort (1) The caller hanged up during the welcome announcement.
Caller abort (2) The caller hanged up while waiting for an agent.
Overflow The caller was diverted to an overflow number. The exact number is shown in brackets.
Timeout transfer The caller was diverted to the timeout destination.

Graph reports

By clicking the graph icon in the Detail column, the data will be visualized as bar charts. Five views are available:

  • Calls per Day
  • Calls per Month
  • Calls per Hour
  • Calls per Day of Week
  • Service Level

The first four views show how many calls were conducted during the given period, visualizing the amount of call traffic at different times.

The Service Level view shows how callers had to wait during a given period by showing the percentage of calls that have been answered within a certain time span.

Example: In the Service Level view of the April 2024 details report, the column labeled 30 Seconds is at 55%. This means that in that month, fifty-five percent of all callers had to wait thirty seconds or less before their call was answered.


Agent reports

These reports provide statistics on the agents that are assigned to the queues. They contain the following information:

Agent The number of the agent’s phone.
Name The name of the agent to whom the phone is assigned.
ACD Calls
and Call Time
The amount of calls and time spent in calls managed by ACD.
Non ACD Calls
and Call Time*
The amount of calls and time spent in calls not managed by ACD.
Total Calls
and Total Time*
The amount of calls and time spent in calls in total.
Ø Call Time Average duration of a single call conducted by the agent
Timeout How many times a call directed to the agent remainend unanswered due to timeout.
Busy How many times a call directed to the agent remainend unanswered because the agent’s state was set to Busy.
* This information is only shown if one of the Non ACD Calls checkboxes was selected before generating the report.

The graph view for agent reports shows how many calls were diverted to each agent. If any Non ACD calls were selected, they will be shown as a separate bar.

Queue time reports

These reports show a summary of call statistics per call queue. They contain the following information:

AcdSelection The name of the call queue.
Calls How many calls were conducted in the queue during the specified period.
Caller abort How many calls were hung up by the caller before being connected to an agent.
Ø Queue Time How long a caller had to wait in queue on average.
Ø Call Time How long a caller was actively connected to an agent on average.

The graph view shows two bars for each queue: one for connected calls and one for aborted calls.

Login history reports

These reports show when and how long the agents were active in ProfACD. Each row represents a single login session. The reports contain the following information:

Agent The internal number and name of the agent (if available).
ACD The queue into which the agent logged in.
Start Date and End Date

The date and time when the agent logged in and off. In addition, this column shows the means how the agent entered and left the session.

The agent used a PC client to log in/off.
The agent used an IP phone client to log in/off.
The agent was logged in/off automatically.
Total Time The duration how long the agent remained logged in.