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Alarm triggers

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In the Alarm Triggers tab, parameters for triggering alarms and other general parameters can be set. To create a new alarm trigger, click the Add button in the top right corner and type a name for the new alarm trigger in the field labeled Alarm Trigger name. To edit an existing alarm trigger, choose it from the drop-down list labeled Choose…. The selected alarm trigger can be renamed or deleted by clicking the respective button in the top right corner.

General settings

This section defines the basic properties of the alarm trigger.

Number Dialing this number will trigger the alarm. The correspondence with the assigned OIM lines can be checked here.
PIN If set, this PIN has to be entered after dialing the number before the alarm triggers. Leave this field blank to trigger the alarm immediately when dialing the number.
Alarm Plan The alarm plan to use when the alarm is triggered. Alarm plans are set in the corresponding tab.
Direct Cast

If checked, the phone that triggered the alarm will be used as multicast transmitter. If unchecked, the Callisto server will conduct the multicast transmission instead.

Important: This function requires a network that allows a transmitted multicast stream to reach multicast receivers.

Beware that any transmitter calls must be ended before the multicast can be transmitted, as Cisco phones cannot transmit through two channels at the same time.

Message The message to use when the alarm is triggered. Messages are set in the corresponding tab.

If checked, the agent who triggered the alarm has the possibility to make live announcements which will be transmitted to all receivers. receiver will hear live announcements. After playing an optional wave file, a beep will indicate that the caller can make an announcement.

If this this option is not checked, a voice message as defined in the Messages tab will be played.

Important: This option is always active if the option Direct Cast is activated, since the pre-recorded wave files on the Callisto server are not available when using direct cast.

Announcement for caller
Select an audio file which will be played to the user who called the alarm trigger number. The alarm will be triggered after the announcement playback has finished.
Silent Alarm If checked, no data will be shown on the phone that triggered the alarm.

Volume threshold

If the option Volume threshold is checked, the alarm will be triggered if the caller’s microphone exceedes a certain sound level. ProfAlarm keeps the call permanently active and will re-trigger the alarm every time the volume threshold is exceeded. The call is ended manually through the device that dialed the alarming number.

Important: If the volume threshold feature is used in combination with the option Direct Cast, the alarm will only be triggered once because the call that triggered the alarm will be ended in order for the direct cast to be transmitted.

If activated, the volume threshold feature can be configured with the following settings:

Threshold volume

Sets the volume at which the alarm is triggered.

Info: How the value applies to the device’s actual volume threshold may vary depending on the type of telephone used. Refer to the documentation of the devices in use.

Measurement interval Set in milliseconds. To trigger the alarm, the avarage sound volume must exceeded the threshold during the set interval.
Initial Alarm delay Set in seconds. During the set time, the sound volume is ignored in order to avoid false alarms.
Alarm gap Set in seconds. After the alarm has been triggered, the sound volume is ignored for the set time before sound monitoring is reactivated (and potentially triggering the alarm again).
Standard Clicking this button restores all volume threshold settings to default.

Alarm URLs

Alarm URLs are used to trigger, stop or monitor an alarm by calling a single URL. This can be used to control an alarm quickly through a variety of devices, e.g. by creating a shortlink on a PC or mobile phone, or by assigning the URLs to a Cisco IP Phone using Cisco services (see platform administration manual).

Clicking the button labeled Alarm URLs… will display a dialog box containing three URLs:

  • The Alarm trigger URL will start the alarm when called.
  • The Stop Alarm URL will end the alarm when called.
  • The Alarm status URL will return an XML output containing the current status of the alarm.

Each of the three URLs end with the query string &user=xxx&pwd=xxx. To use the URLs, replace the two xxx placeholders with the user name and password of a user who has the privilege to trigger alarms (see chapter Setup – Privileges). Other ways to authenticate are available as well: see Integration of Callisto Gadgets in the platform administration manual.


In the same dialog window, the alarm can be triggered manually by clicking the button labeled Trigger Alarm. Manually triggered alarms will ignore the options Announcement and Volume threshold, i.e. they will behave as if as they are unchecked. After starting the alarm, it can be stopped again by clicking on the button labeled Stop Alarm.

Cisco services

Clicking the button Cisco Services… will provide the URLs needed to create CUCM phone services controlling the alarm. The available services are described in detail in the chapter Phone functions.