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The tab Receivers Groups is used to manage who will recieve the alarms when triggered. To create a new reveivers group, click the Add button in the top right corner and type a name for the new group in the field labeled Receivers Group name. To edit an existing group, choose it from the drop-down list labeled Choose…. The selected group can be renamed or deleted by clicking the respective button in the top right corner.

All members of the selected receivers group are listed here. Receivers can be added, removed, reordered, and their phone number or type can be changed. Column labeled Number shows the phone number of the device which will receive the multicast or text message. In the column labeled Type, you can configure how the device will inform the receiver of the alarm. The following options are available:

Cisco Phone Voice*

The device will play a voice message through the multicast stream. Depending on the alarm trigger configuration, the receiver will either hear a pre-recorded message or an announcement made from the device that triggered the alarm.

Important: This stream is transmitted from the Callisto server, so the network configuration must allow the Callisto server to transmit multicast streams to the phone.

Cisco Phone Text* The device will show a text message. This message is defined in the Messages tab.
Direct call

Similar to Cisco Phone Voice, but the device will receive a regular phone call instead of a multicast stream. This option is suitable for phones without Cisco IP Phone functionalities.

Info: The options Cisco Phone Voice and Cisco Phone Text become unavailable to phones that are alarmed via direct calls.

Warning: Every direct call occupies a voice channel on Callisto. Make sure that enough voice channels are licensed to carry every direct call.

Email Send an email message to the user’s address.
*These alarming types can only be used with Cisco IP Phones.

In the Name column, the name of the receiver is displayed if the phone number is assigned to a Callisto user.

Reorder icon

Delete icon

Receivers can be reordered by dragging and dropping the reorder icon. The receivers’ order in the list is relevant when used alongside an alarm plan with the Distribution option set to Top-Down or Round-Robin (see chapter Alarm plans).

Clicking the delete icon will remove the receiver from the group.