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ACD and DTMF menus

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Automatic call distribution

In the ACD tab, the lines for the call distribution can be set.

A caller who dialed or got redirected to the number set in the Number field will be handled with the action set in the Destination drop-down list. The number can either be a static number or a regular expression. Depending on the chosen Destination option, various configurations can be set (see chapter Transfer controls).

DTMF menus

In the DTMF Menus tab, the menus used during IVR can be created, edited and deleted. To create a new menu, click the Add button in the top right corner and type a name for the new menu in the field labeled DTMF Menus. To edit an existing menu, choose it from the drop-down list labeled Please choose…. The selected menu can be renamed or deleted by clicking the respective button in the top right corner.


The General section defines properties of the menu on how to handle a call when it enters the menu and before it gets dericted to another destination.

The following options are available:

Non-Business Hours and Holidays If the call reaches the menu during a time when non-business hours or holidays are active, the call will be handled by the respective setup. These setups can be configured in the Non-Business Hours and Holydays tabs.
Greeting The audio that will be played to a caller when first entering the menu.
DTMF Announcement The audio that will be played after the greeting. It should contain instructions on the options the caller can choose.
Loops How many times the DTMF announcement should be repeated before terminating the loop (i.e. proceeding with the default option).
Timeout Time (in seconds) to wait before repeating the announcement again or terminating the loop.
Terminate only with defined keys

Defines the action to take if the caller presses a key that is not defined in this DTMF menu.

  • If checked, the key press will be ignored and the announcement loop proceeds as configured above.
  • If unchecked, the key press will terminate the loop and the default option will be executed.

With the Upload new audio file button, audio files can be uploaded to use as greetings or DTMF announcements.

Info: Audio files must be of the format: Wave (PCM); 8 kHz; 16 Bit; mono.


In this section, all the options that will be available to the caller are set.

Each option consists of a DTMF entry and a Destination. The DTMF entry sets which key a caller has to press to select this option: The option can be mapped to any key available on standard 12-key telephone keypads, i.e. the digits from 0 to 9, as well as the star sign and the number sign #. Additionally, a Default option will always be set, which will be chosen automatically once the announcement loop terminates (as defined in the General section).

The Destination defines what action to execute when the corresponding option is chosen (see chapter Transfer controls).