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Knowledge Base

Transfer controls

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Transfer control actions

In all tabs, various transfer controls are available to set a call’s routing destination. All fields promting for numbers also acept wildcards and regular expressions (see Dynamic destination routing).

DTMF Menu Direct the call to a DTMF menu set up in the DTMF Menus tab.
Transfer to number Direct the call to the specified number/regex.
Blind transfer to number Direct the call to the specified number/regex using SIP blind call transferring.
Bridge to number Use callisto to bridge the current call and the call to the destination.
Application Direct the call to the specified application, using the provided number/regex as parameter.
ProfACD Queue If ProfACD is available, direct the call to a call queue. Choose the ProfACD instance you want to direct the call to from the second drop-down menu, and set the number/regex to the corresponding queue’s number.
Voice Mail box number Allow the caller to record a voicemail to the specified number.
Terminate call End the call immediately.

Dynamic destination routing

Besides regular numbers, regular expressions can be used to determine the call destination. A regex pattern must be enclosed by two slashes and will match against the number dialed by the caller. Numbers and regular expressions can be combined by putting absolute numbers before or after the regex pattern. For details on the regex syntax, see the Regular expressions quick reference.

Besides proper regular expressions, two wildcards also exist that don’t need to be enclosed by slashes:

  • . will match exactly one digit.
  • T will match zero or more digits.

Example: The Destination field contains the following value: 10/..$/

The digits 10 are an unchanging value outside the regex pattern. The pattern itself will take the last two digits of the number dialed by the caller.

  • A caller who dialed 8801 will be routed to 1001.
  • A caller who dialed 8812 will be routed to 1012.
  • A caller who dialed 907712 will be routed to 1012 as well.

Redirection number

The syntax /REDIR/*/ determines the caller’s redirection number.

Example: The number 1234 is called. This number is diverted to a ProfACD number: If the destination agent is occupied or doesn’t answer, it is possible to call back the number 1234 when /REDIR/*/ is used in the number field.