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User manual

There are three ways to send faxes with Callisto’s fax services

  • Upload a PDF file in the Callisto web interface (see Message functions in the Callisto platform user manual)
  • Send fax messages via Callisto’s fax printer driver
  • Send emails to fax machines via email client or multi-function printer

Callisto’s fax printer driver

The Fax Service option provides the capability to send and receive faxes. If fax services are available on your Callisto system, your administrator will assist you with installing the required fax/printer driver onto your local PC.

After installing the Callisto fax/printer driver, you can send fax messageses directly from any Microsoft-compatible application. The following example shows a fax being sent from Microsoft Word.

Open the document you want to send as a fax in Microsoft Word. Navigate to the File menu, choose Print and select Fax from the Printer drop-down menu.

The Windows Fax and Scan client opens, with your word document already included as attachment. Type an address in the To field and include an optional subject line in the Subject field. Once you filled out all information, choose File > Send Fax.

While the fax is being send, a status dialog box appears. You can monitor the fax sending process by clicking on View Details.

After the fax has been send successfully, the status box will show a green tick mark and, depending on your settings, a sound will play. If a problem occurs during sending, the fax sending process will start again after a short interval.

Fax messages can also be sent and controlled by using the Windows Fax and Scan client, which can be accessed by navigating to Start > All Programs > Windows Fax and Scan.

For more details on the Widnows fax client console, refer to the Microsoft help documents.

Send fax messages via email

Callisto has a build-in SMTP server that can convert email attachments to fax messsages and send them to fax machines.

Using an email client (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) or an multi-function printer with email capabilities, users can send an emails with up to four attachements to Callisto. Ask your Callisto administrator about details on fax message formatting.

A recipient’s address is of the following format: +44562XXXXXXX@fax

  • +44562XXXXXXX is the destination fax number.
  • fax is the domain name (or ip address) of your Callisto system.

Info: In order to be able to send fax messages, the privilege Allow Fax sending needs to be enabled for your Callisto account.

To send a fax, open a new email in your email client, write the mail body as plain text and/or attach any files to the message. Enter the recipient’s fax address as provided by your administrator and click Send.

For attachments, Callisto’s fax service supports the following formats: Word documents, PDF, and plain text documents.