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The MA Group application can be integrated into COC, Cisco Webex or Cisco Jabber. The URLs used for integration are found in the Settings tab. More information on the integration of Callisto applications can be found in the Callisto platform administration manual.
Depending on the used URL, users either are logged into ManagerAssistant Group automatically or need to enter their credentials manually (see Settings). Upon login, the screen shows the first group which the logged-in user is a member of. Users with the Admin privilege are able to see all the existing groups in the application. In the group member list, users will always see their own account on top.
Info: Users who have neither the Admin privilege nor are members of any group will see a blank page.
In the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, the group to display can be chosen.
The group member list contains an entry for every member, displaying the member’s user status, phone status, and calls.
The handset icon on the very left shows the line status. Possible statuses are:
Click on the handset icon to display the Forward settings. A drop-down menu labeled Set phone line forwarding sets the forwarding rules managed by the IP phone assigned to the member. Group managers have an additional option labeled Set application forwarding, which enables forwarding rules managed by Callisto.
Info: VIP calls are able to bypass application forwarding, but not phone line forwarding.
The following forwarding options are available:
Disable forwarding. | |
Only available with application forwarding. Forwards calls to the first available assistant. This setting is similar to when the manager’s status is any status other than Available. However, it is not affected when Jabber is reset (i.e., the forwarding stays active after a reset). |
Forward calls to the member’s mobile number. Only available if a mobile number is set for the user’s Callisto account. | |
Forward calls to the member’s voicemail box. Only available if a voicemail number is set for the user’s Callisto account. | |
In the text input field at the top, enter a custom number to use as forwarding destination. | |
Group members | Below the above options, all members in the same group as the user are listed. Any member can be set as forwarding destination. |
On the right side of the user image is the presence status icon. Clicking on it will reveal a pop-up menu to change the presence status. The following values are available:
The last item in the menu is labeled Status message. Clicking it opens a dialog box where a custom status message can be set alongside the presence state.
Info: The Unavailable state cannot be set manually.
A crown icon above the presence icon indicates that this user is the group manager.
Below the name of the member, the following information is shown:
If both application forwarding and phone line forwarding are active, only the application forwarding destination will be displayed.
On the right side of each member’s entry, all current calls related to this member are displayed. If multiple calls are active, the most recent call is shown on the very right side. A yellow background indicates calls that are in ringing state, and a red background shows active calls.
Every call is shown in a block containing different information.
Info: For active calls, the caller’s name, number, and the call duration are only shown if the option Show call information is checked (see Groups – Miscellaneous settings). However, ringing calls show all information regardless of the Show call information option.
When a manager receives a VIP call, a blue star is displayed in the upper right corner of the caller image. Hovering the mouse pointer over the call block shows the exact caller’s VIP level.
An outgoing call to a contact whose information is available in the call manager (picture, name, and VIP status are available). The call has been active since 3 minutes and 17 seconds.
An incoming call from a number without contact information from the call manager (only the phone number is available). The call has been ringing since 12 seconds.
Users can transfer/redirect calls directed to themselves by dragging and dropping a call on another member. Dragging and dropping a ringing call will perform a blind transfer. Dragging and dropping an active (i.e., connected) call will open the Transfer dialog box.
The available options depend on the call state. Choosing Consultation Transfer initiates a transfer call, and a prompt provides two options: Complete Transfer completes the consultation transfer, and Cancel terminates the consultation transfer call.
Hint: Active calls can also be transferred using blind transfer by dragging and dropping the active call while holding the Ctrl key.
Right-click on a call to open a a context menu. The available options depend on the state of the call:
Ringing calls | Active calls | Calls on hold |
Choosing Consultation Transfer or Blind Transfer will open a new dialog window where the transfer destination can be set. Enter a phone number or choose a group member from the list to initiate the transfer.
Info: Transfers to a voicemail box will always perform a blind transfer.
Hovering over any user whose line is in service will reveal a button to quickly call the user.
Click on a ringing call directed to another team member to pick up the call.
Upon incoming calls, the ringtone set in the Group settings will be played.
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