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The basic version of the Callisto Platform includes four lines (Callisto for UCM, HCS, Webex) or two lines (Callisto for UCME), excluding any options. Callisto can be upgraded by using additional license keys. New license keys can be acquired via your Callisto vendor or by contacting

Once you obtained a new license key, enter it by choosing System > Callisto License.

Callisto Express only

After activating the COC Proxy Service option,the configuration of COC Express needs to be updated: Instead of the Cisco UCME IP address, enter the IP address of the Callisto Platform.

If you use a COC multi-user solution, the site license needs to be added to the Callisto configuration. This way, all installed workstations will be centrally activated through Callisto、eliminating the need for any additional or individual license registrations (see Option “COC Proxy Service”).

Option “Virtual Conference Room”

Callisto provides a Virtual Conference Room, enabling companies to quickly and easily create virtual meetings. On Callisto, the meeting place is referred to by a “room number”, which is allocated by an administrator.

Choose System > Conference Rooms to set up and configure conference rooms. You can configure the following parameters:

  • Phone number: the number to dial when accessing the conference room
  • Room number (optional): Leave this field empty if you want to set up only one room for this number.
  • Administration PIN (optional): A caller who logs in using this PIN will be able to invite further participants (see user manual) and can control the conference by using LiveView from a browser.
  • User PIN
  • Language
  • Music on hold

You can delete conference room assignments by clicking the recycle icon.

Important: The maximum amount of simultaneous conference participants is determined by the total number of available and licensed Callisto lines.

For Callisto UCM

Configure a new route pattern on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager which includes the new conference room number. For details, refer to the Cisco UCM configuration manual.

For Callisto Express

The settings will automatically be stored on the IOS router.

Option “Open Application Manager”

With Callisto's Open Application Manager, administrators are able to define inbound numbers for Callisto applications such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), Auto-Attendant, etc. A structured file administration of custom applications is accessible by the web GUI.

Inbound applications can be created with the development environment CTMaker and tested using the integrated simulator and debugging tools.

After creating an application, open a text file, copy the application code into it, and save this file with the extension .cts.

Go to System > Open Application Manager and enter a name for the new application in the New Application field.

Delete record

Use the update icon to install or update your application. The configure icon opens the configuration, if the application has a frontend.

For Callisto UCM, HCS, Webex

Configure a new route pattern on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager which includes the new OAM number. For details, refer to the Cisco UCM configuration manual.

Choose System > Open Application Manager, then click on the tab Application Lines. Enter the OAM number and assign the new application from the drop-down list. Optionally, you can also add a description.

For Callisto Express

Your selection will automatically be stored on the IOS router.

Info: The maximum amount of simultaneous inbound calls are determined by the total number of available and licensed Callisto lines.

Option “Mobile Connect”

The option Mobile Connect is used to connect mobile phones or external landline connections to your company’s communication infrastructure. With this option, calls can be made between external phones and company phones using only internal phone numbers. A detailed description can be found in the user manual.

Important: The option Mobile Connect needs up to 3 lines according to the switching status and/or the chosen function. Please ensure that Callisto has a sufficient number of lines available.

By choosing User > New User, permissions regarding Mobile Connect for each user can be configured.

After enabling Allow Mobile Connect, users are able to forward calls to Mobile Connect and external phone numbers in the user settings (please refer to the user manual).

Option “COC Proxy Service”

On Callisto for UCME

By default, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express allows a phone to be used only by one single client software application (e.g. COC Express). Using the option COC Proxy Service enables the Operator Console COC Express to be used as a multi-user solution. Additionally, COC Express and other TAPI client software can be installed side-by-side on a client PC, for example, Microsoft Outlook Phone Dialer (Cisco TAPI Service light).

There are three cases:

  1. Option COC Proxy Service switched off: COC Express can be used as single-user version (COC Express itself being licensed) without any additional client software (such as Cisco TAPI Service light).
  2. Option COC Proxy Service switched on: COC Express can be used as single- and multi-user version (COC Express itself being licensed) with additional client software such as Microsoft Outlook Phone Dialer (Cisco TAPI Service light).
  3. Option COC Proxy Service switched on, Site License active: COC Express can be used as multi-user version (no licensing in COC Express necessary, the licensing is done centrally in Callisto for UCME), in conjunction with additional client software such as Microsoft Outlook Phone Dialer (Cisco TAPI Service light).

On Callisto for UCM, HCS, Webex

The COC Proxy Service will provide the connection needed by the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to enable COC clients. Please refer to the Callisto COC UCM manual.

  1. To enable the COC Proxy, add the Site License for the COC Proxy Service. All installed work stations will be centrally activated through Callisto, so no further individual license registrations will be necessary.
  2. After activating the COC Proxy Service option, the COC Express configuration needs to be updated with the Callisto Express IP address in place of the previously configured Cisco Unified Communications Manager IP address. If a site license has already been added to the optional COC Proxy Service, no further licenses are necessary on the COC Express client.
  3. For COC UCM Client connection please refer to the Callisto COC UCM manual.

Option “Voice Recording”

Callisto UCM only

Callisto supports the Cisco Unified Communications Manager’s recording feature. In order to use it, the phones must be properly configured; please refer to the CUCM configuration manual.

Warning: The Voice Recording feature can cause massive traffic to Callisto and take up many resources. Also, each recording uses a separate line license.

Chose Voice Recording > Settings and enter the number for recording in the field Number. Use the same number as the Recording Destination Address set in the CUCM configuration. Select an Audio Format of your choice.

You can set a number of days after which recordings will be deleted automatically. Leave this field empty to store recordings indefinitely.

Info: If the automatic deletion of recordings is set at the general settings and at the user settings, the smaller value of both is used.

If Archiving is activated, you can define an FTP access and the Conditions under which recordings will be archived. You can also choose whether the archived data should be  Encrypted.

Chose Voice Recording > Monitor Filter to define view filters for users. These filters restrict what recordings will be visible to individual users (while leaving the recordings themselves unaltered).

To define a new filter, choose New Monitor Filter and enter a Filter Name. You can define different names for each system language.

Enter the filter rules in the Filter text area. The filter uses SQL statements which are applied onto the Callisto database.

Example: A monitor filter for all people who work either in the support or management department, and have more than five messages.

((usr_department = 'Support') OR (usr_department = 'Management')) AND (msg_contentSize > 5)

Available fields

Name Type Example
usr_Name string 'paul.smith'
usr_LastName string 'smith'
usr_FirstName string 'paul'
usr_eMail string 'user@company.domain'
usr_PhoneMac string 'SEP002304342534'
usr_PhoneNumber string '1001'
usr_Department string 'support'
msg_Caller string '041315311111'
msg_LocalNumber string '1001'
msg_ContentSize (time in seconds) number 5
msg_Direction number 0 (incoming); 1 (outgoing)

To edit an existing filter, choose Voice Recording > Edit Monitor Filter and select the filter you want to modify.

Checking Can delete records gives users of this filter the permission to permanently delete recordings.

Checking 4-eyes principle will enforce the security mechanism of the two-man rule: A user can only view the recording if a second user who uses the same filter is present. After the first user opens the filter, a logon box will be displayed, prompting the logon of the second user.

Important: Only users with the setting Supervisor for 4-eyes principle enabled will be able to unlock a recording view (see below).

User-specific voice recording options

To enable voice recording and view filter for an user, choose User > Userlist, click a user’s name and go to Privileges. Check the privilege Voice Recording and click Choose….

Now you can activate the recording for different calls. The four types of calls are: inbound, outbound, internal and external calls.

Info: Internal calls are identified by the setting for internal numbers at System > System Parameter (see System parameters).

Info: Calls that are initial internal calls remain internal, regardless of an external transfer afterwards.

The recording feature is heavily dependent on the Callisto Unified Communications Manager configuration. You can define two recording options in Cisco UCM:

  1. Automatic Call Recording enabled
  2. Selective Call Recording enabled (only CUCM v9.x and newer)

For more details on configuring Cisco UCM with Callisto, refer to the installation manual.

The direct URL for the Callisto Phone-Service is: http://<callisto>/Cisco/Recording.asp, with <callisto> being the IP address or domain name of your Callisto installation.

No Recording

The call will not be recorded, regardless of the recording options in Cisco UCM. This is the recommended setting.

Cisco manual or Cisco permanent

  • If in the Cisco UCM settings, Automatic Call Recording is enabled, all calls of the selected call type will be recorded automatically.
  • If in the Cisco UCM settings, Selective Call Recording is enabled, calls will be recorded after the user presses the recording softkey on the phone. The call recording will only start at the time of pressing the softkey. The feature to save the recording at the end of a call is not available.

Cisco permanent / Callisto manual prerecord

This option is only available if Automatic Call Recording is enabled in the Cisco UCM settings. With this option, the user can start the recording using a softkey or Cisco Service. This can be done during and at the end of a call; In both cases the entire call will be recorded. For more details on softkey configuration, refer to the Cisco UCM configuration manual.

In the General section, you can define the following options:

  • Notification on Phone will show a status message on the phone when the recording is active.
  • Show recordings in Inbox will display the recordings in the user’s web GUI at Messages > Inbox.
  • Checking Can delete records gives the user permission to permanently delete recordings.
  • If Supervisor for 4-eyes principle is enabled, the user’s credentials will be accepted to unlock recording views where the 4-eyes principle is enabled.

Voice recordings can automatically be deleted after a defined period of days. Leave this field empty to store recordings indefinitely. This will affect only the recordings of this user.

Info: The automatic deletion of recordings can be set both as a general setting (at Voice Recordings > Settings) and as a user setting (at Users > Userlist > user > Privileges > Voice Recording > Choose…). If both settings are active, the shorter time period will be applied.

In the section Monitor Filter, you can set the filters that will be visible on the user’s web GUI at Voice Recording.

Option “External Call Control”

Only on Callisto for UCM, HCS, Webex

Callisto supports the Cisco Unified Communications Manager’s External Call Control feature. In order to use it, the phones must be correctly configured. Please refert to the CUCM configuration manual.

Warning: The External Call Control feature can cause massive traffic to Callisto and may take up many resources.

Choose System > External Call Control.


Use the Caller and Called input fields to set up a filter for External Call Control. There are three available kinds of filters available from the drop-down lists to the left of the input fields.

Filter by number

Set a single number or a set of numbers for the filter. To define a set of numbers, there are two available wildcard characters: The letter “T”, which substitutes for zero or more characters, and the full stop (“.”), which substitutes for exactly one character.

Example: Various number filters.

Filter Numbers to be filtered
555.. all numbers from 55500 to 55599
111.1 11101, 11111, 11121, …
555T 555, 5551, 555123456789, …

Filter by regular expression

To set an advanced filter, you can define a regular expression. For more information, refer to the regular expressions quick reference.

Filter by user groups

Numbers can be filtered based on whether they are present in a specific user group. For more details on user groups, please refer to the chapter User administration.


Using the drop-down list Action, the following actions can be conducted on calls. Actions can be configured using various attributes.

Important: A call can trigger multiple actions if it matches the respective filters. Actions will be executed in order of how they are listed in External Call Control. You can change the order by pressing and holding the sort icon on the very left of each list item. Actions marked with a flag icon will override this feature and prevent the execution of any subsequent actions.

  1. Continue: The call will be forwarded to the called number. The first attribute is an announcement which will be played before the call proceeds.Ticking the checkbox will activate name resolving: If the number is present in the Callisto directory, the caller’s user name will be displayed on the call receiver’s phone.

    Info: Name resolving works only with CUCM v10.x and higher.

  2. Continue – ⚐: The continue action as described above will be executed, but no other subsequent actions will be executed.
  3. Divert: The call will be redirected to another number than initially dialed. The attribute for this action is the number to which the call will be diverted.
  4. Reject: The call will be ended automatically. You can set an announcement that will be played before the call ends.
  5. Application: The call will be handled by the selected application.
  6. Application – ⚐: The call will be handled by the selected application and no other subsequent actions will be executed.

In the State drop-down list, the filter can be set to active, inactive or scheduled.


Choosing the tab Schedules, you can set the time frames when a filter is active. Each schedule may contain none, one or multiple time frames.

There are two kinds of time frames: The Day of week format for time frames depending on the day of week, and the Date format for fixed dates. Time frames can also be added or modified after the schedule was created.

Assign a schedule to a filter by setting the filter’s State to Scheduled, then select the schedule from the right-hand drop-down list.


An Application can be added, installed, updated, and deleted the same way as in the Open Applications Manager and startup scripts. If the the application has a frontend, it can be configured by using the Configure icon.