Callisto PhoneBook for Cisco UCC solutions: Search and view contacts made easy!

PhoneBook - The Clearly Arranged Phone Book for Your Contact Management

What was the name of that person? A unified phone book with integrated keyword search is extremely helpful when this question comes up. Callisto PhoneBook is characterized by the following features: synchronous, clear, simple, fast, and individual. This Module guarantees an easy, fast finding, and dialing of contacts provided from different directories.


The directory service for every contact

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Services
  • References


All In

Manage internal and external, company, and personal contacts in one directory.

Versatile Use

Contacts can be managed and used via web, COC operator solution, phone, smartphone, or web services (REST).

Unlimited Phone Books

Must-have for companies with multiple locations: PhoneBook provides an unlimited number of phonebooks with internal or external contacts.

Individual Directories

Thanks to the intelligent authorization concept of Callisto PhoneBook, every single user can have his individual internal or external contact directory.

Name Resolution

The names entered in PhoneBook for the respective phone number are visible directly on the phone or in Cisco Jabber/Webex or COC attendant solution.

Click to Call

Search for the right contact, click on the desired phone number, and the available client or phone is dialed. As simple as that!

Sync and Import

External sources like Active Directory, Meta-Directories, Exchange, Lotus Notes, etc., can be connected via LDAP. In addition, PhoneBook provides a CSV import option.


Callisto PhoneBook acts as an extended UDS server and thus provides all UDS end devices and clients with internal and external contacts.

All Features in Detail

Features from A–Z Description
Authorization concept Callisto PhoneBook offers a sophisticated authorization system. This allows every single PhoneBook user to get their individual, internal or external directory by means of user groups. Each PhoneBook user itself can therefore also be assigned to different user groups.
Thus, any number of subdirectories can be configured from the overall internal and external PhoneBook directory, allowing the configuration of different clients.
Agent Solution COC PhoneBook is fully integrated with the Callisto agent solution COC. Thus, the assigned external contacts are even displayed in a separate window with a quick search.
Change entries PhoneBook entries can be easily edited in the Callisto web GUI. The sophisticated Callisto authorization system is applied.
Cisco Services PhoneBook provides all phonebooks incl. search and also dialing for Cisco desk phones equipped with Cisco services.
Configuration Callisto provides several parameters to configure PhoneBook. For example, PhoneBook can be configured to perform nightly imports from other phone contact sources, or to assign different group permissions to the user for local users or external contacts, and many more.
Contact management Contact management is done via the Callisto web interface with appropriate permissions. In case of synchronization with external phonebooks, the contacts are managed accordingly in the same.
Deployment The PhoneBook module is an integrated part of the Callisto platform and can easily be used via license. Prepared as an appliance image (OVA), the Callisto system can be installed on any virtual machine or physical server.
Entries PhoneBook entries include, for example, last name, first name, company, department, address, phone book, VIP status, office phone, home phone, cell phone.
External phone books External phonebooks can be synchronized or imported via LDAP automatically, time-controlled in PhoneBook, to have an up-to-date contact directory at any time. In addition, imports of CSV files are possible. External contacts are managed by administrators or authorized users.
Global number plan (E.164 support) E.164 numbers supported
green-IT Lowest resource requirements in the industry with the highest performance: 2 to 8 CPUs, 2 to 6 GB RAM, 80 GB HD, up to max. 1’000 parallel calls per image.
High Availability Yes
Internal phone book The internal phonebook automatically synchronizes with the Cisco UCM via AXL at specific, definable times. Callisto itself automatically creates the internal phone book.
Jabber Callisto PhoneBook supports Jabber Desktop and Jabber Mobile. PhoneBook is also available via MRA (Mobile Remote Access / Expressway).
Languages PhoneBook is integrated into the multilingual concept of Callisto and supports the following languages: GER, ENG, FR, IT, SP.
Multi-tenancy Callisto PhoneBook offers a sophisticated authorization system. This allows every single PhoneBook user to get their individual, internal or external directory by means of user groups. Each PhoneBook user itself can therefore also be assigned to different user groups.
Thus, any number of subdirectories can be configured from the overall internal and external PhoneBook directory, allowing the configuration of different clients.
Phone book types Callisto provides three types of phone books: global (managed by the administrator and authorized users), local (includes all subscribers connected internally to the system), private (to be managed individually).
Private phone books Every Callisto user can enter their private contacts in their own directory in PhoneBook.
Provisioning Manually or automatically from Cisco UCM through AXL or Microsoft AD, LDAP/OpenLDAP system, and CSV files. Web services (REST) supported.
Reliability Apart from the legendary stability of the Callisto system as a whole, the Callisto system can be designed to be highly available.
Scalability Up to 960 parallel calls on one Callisto appliance. Additional instances supported. Unlimited number of Callisto PhoneBook users and entries.
Search entries Callisto PhoneBook provides users with a detailed search in the Callisto web interface and on all devices and clients that PhoneBook supports.
Security https, SIPS, password and PIN security, appliance security, integrated firewall
Smartphones As a UDS server, Callisto PhoneBook makes all phonebooks or contacts available to smartphones via Jabber Mobile or the Callisto gadget “Directory”. PhoneBook is also available via MRA (Mobile Remote Access / Expressway).
Supported Phones / Clients PhoneBook supports the following phones and clients: XML-enabled Cisco phones, Jabber Desktop, Jabber Mobile (smartphones), Callisto Gadgets Clients, Webex in a hybrid environment, COC operator solution, and the Callisto web interface.
UDS Server Callisto PhoneBook acts as an extended UDS server and thus provides all UDS end devices and clients with internal and external contacts.
VIP-Status The VIP status of a contact can be used to define the priority of the entry. This VIP status can be taken into account by a wide variety of Callisto modules. For example, a caller with the priority level “five” can call directly to the office, while a caller with the priority level “four” or less is diverted to another phone number.
Voice Protocols and Codecs Based on the SIP protocol, both codecs are supported, G.711 and G.729
Webex The Webex client is supported by PhoneBook in a hybrid environment.

We support you in every situation

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We support you during the installation, configuration, and roll-out process for on-prem, managed service, or cloud projects. A satisfied partner and customer is our daily goal.

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We pay attention to the highest quality and stability in each phase of our product development process. Our dedicated support team is immediately available according to defined SLA times if any incident still occurs. More…


We train and support our partners and their customers to learn how to correctly install, manage and use our Callisto products. More…

Tailored Developments

Thanks to the unique Callisto “Open Applications Management” concept, partners and their customers can add customized and tailored applications to the system anytime during runtime with no service interruption. More…


Our long-lasting expertise in UCC services and comprehensive industry know-how lead CTModule to deliver the best-in-class consultancy for your projects. More…

You can expect only the best – Because quality matters


The Callisto appliance solution has been successfully tested and certified with Cisco UCM V12.5. In addition to that, the Callisto platform is compatible with all popular Cisco PBX systems (UCM, UCME, BE6k/7k, HCS, Webex).

Preferred Solution Partner

CTModule has been working with Cisco Systems since 2004 and is now one of the selected manufacturers worldwide with the Cisco Preferred Solution Partner status.

Callisto PhoneBook – Your Best Choice

One for All

Callisto PhoneBook supports desk phones, smartphones and all SW clients in the Cisco PBX environment and is also available in the web GUI. One application for each use saves massively operating costs.


If the customer has several locations, companies, or clients, each individual user can be assigned to their own phone contacts from PhoneBook.

All Covered

PhoneBook offers the advantage of simple, efficient, and time-saving workflow processes, thanks to the local, global and private phonebooks, synchronization with external directories, and individual permission to manage contacts.

Centralized and Synchronized

There is no doubt a telephone directory belongs to the telephone system. We enrich the user experience for the contact directory with many extras and ease of use. With Callisto PhoneBook, you manage internal and external, company and private contacts in one central directory. PhoneBook entries include, e.g., last name, first name, company, department, address, phone book, VIP status, office phone, home phone, and mobile phone. Callisto PhoneBook offers a detailed search in the Callisto web interface and on all devices and clients supported by PhoneBook.

The internal phonebook automatically synchronizes with the Cisco UCM at specific, definable times via AXL. External phonebooks are easy to integrate and synchronize. The entire administration of the phonebooks is done through the Callisto Web-GUI.

Available Everywhere

As far as possible, a phone book should be available on all end devices and SW clients available to users in the company. This is supported by the central architecture and the available applications or interfaces for phones and clients of Callisto PhoneBook. The directories are available through web GUI, as well as the COC operator solution, the phones, smartphones, and UDS clients, or even via web services (REST).

All contacts can be easily managed via Callisto Web-GUI and the appropriate permission.

Using Existing Directories

Existing directories need to be imported into Callisto PhoneBook once or by time or synchronized in most organizations. Callisto PhoneBook offers a solution for all variants: existing phone directories can be imported via CSV file or synchronized as an LDAP server. There is a time control available for both variants so that the imports or synchronization takes place at defined times.

External sources like Active Directory, Meta-Directories, Exchange, Lotus Notes, etc. can be connected via LDAP.

Ingenious Authorization System

Certain companies need different directories for different organizations, departments, locations, etc. Moreover, it happens that even within the corresponding structure, one person needs these contacts, whereas the other should not see those contacts. Callisto PhoneBook offers a sophisticated permission system to meet the requirements of different directories and different permissions. This allows every single PhoneBook user to get their own individual internal or external directory. Each PhoneBook user itself can therefore also be assigned to other user groups.

Thus, any number of subdirectories can be configured from the overall internal and external PhoneBook directory, allowing the configuration of different clients.

Caller Name vs. Phone Number

When the phone rings, it is very helpful for the called party to see the name instead of a phone number on the phone or client. In combination with Callisto External Call Control (ECC), the name is searched directly in the Callisto directories when a call is received and displayed in zero time on the phone display or in the client application. PhoneBook supports all Cisco phones with display, Cisco Jabber Desktop, and Mobile, as well as Webex or the COC operator solution.


Isn’t it convenient to be able to click and dial a phone number directly on your PC? Callisto PhoneBook offers the click-to-call function in the Callisto Web GUI and the COC operator solution directly – and with the help of COC via Tel-URL also in other applications. This option is also available to all UDS clients.

Phone Book as UDS Server

The User Data Services (UDS) API is a REST-based set of operations that provide authenticated access to user resources and entities from the Unified Communications configuration database, such as user devices, subscribed services, and speed dial numbers. Callisto PhoneBook acts as an extended UDS server and thus provides all UDS end devices and clients with internal and external contacts.

Technology that inspires

  • Architecture
  • Requirements
  • Compatibility

Callisto architecture – The new simplicity

The Callisto platform provides the following features (without Modules and Applications):

  • all interfaces to the Cisco telephony infrastructure, provisioning (e.g., Kurmi), and 3rd party systems (e.g. (S)PMS, CRM, alarm systems, etc.)
  • Base infrastructure for import, configuration, and administration of modules, collections, and applications
  • Platform management for security, back-up/restore, update/upgrade process, licensing, log and troubleshooting capabilities
  • Dashboard and reporting
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) support
  • User and administrator management, rights management.

After licensing, modules, collections, or customized applications can be uploaded to the Callisto platform and configured in a simple and flexible way.
Callisto, with its available modules and applications, supports the following end devices and clients (depending on the use case):

  • Callisto web and telephone interface
  • Cisco endpoints (XML-enabled with push message support)
  • Cisco Jabber client with Callisto Gadgets (tabs)
  • Cisco Webex App
  • PC with Callisto operator solution and Callisto Gadgets
  • SmartPhones (iOS/Android) with Callisto Gadgets and native applications
  • Tablets (iOS/Android) with Callisto Gadgets and native applications
  • Legacy phones, DECT phones, WLAN phones according to manuals.

The Cisco PBX infrastructure (BExk, UCM, HCS) is connected to the Callisto platform via SIP trunk, AXL, and JTAPI (for COC switch solution) or SFTP (for CDRs).
Further Callisto interfaces are:

  • SIP, Secure SIP (UDP, TCP, TLS)
  • RTP, SRTP, T.38/G.711 (Softfax)
  • Cisco AXL
  • IP Socket connection
  • HTTP(S), (S)FTP
  • (S)LDAP (authentication, phone book)
  • ESPA 4.4.4 / X (Alarming)
  • REST (provisioning)
  • Application interfaces for various services or applications

The Unified Presence Server (CUPS) can be integrated as an external presence source.

Minimal requirements and resource-saving for green IT

The following requirements are needed for a proper use of the Callisto platform with the selected module(s):

Requirements Requisite/Description
Callisto Appliance (virtual Image, OVA)
  • One Callisto appliance for up to approx. 1000 parallel calls on the platform.
  • One platform is sufficient for an unlimited number of users and voicemail boxes
Virtual environment minimal: VMware ESX(i) 6.7
Callisto Appliance “Small”
  • up to 60 parallel calls
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 2 CPUs (ca. 2 GHz)
  • 80 GB hard disk space
  • 1 network connection
Callisto Appliance “Medium”
  • up to 240 parallel calls
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 CPUs (ca. 2 GHz)
  • 80 GB hard disk space
  • 1 network connection
Callisto Appliance “Large”
  • up to 240 parallel calls
  • 6 GB RAM
  • 8 CPUs (ca. 2 GHz)
  • 80 GB hard disk space
  • 1 network connection
  • max. 960 parallel calls per appliance
PBX (TVA/PBX) Cisco IP-PBX: CUCM, HCS, Webex (Unified CM), BExk, UCx00, UCME


The following products have been tested for interoperability with the Callisto platform.

Note: Various modules of the Callisto platform may also be compatible with other IP-PBX systems. Contact us if you have a specific project.

Manufacturer System Version
Cisco Systems Inc. Unified Communications Manager 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 6000 8.6, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 7000 8.6, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Unified Communications Manager Express 7.x, 8.x, 9.x,10.x,11.x, 12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) 8.6, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x ,12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco UCM Cloud
Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Unified Presence Service (CUPS) 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Jabber 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x
Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Webex Client
Diverse Android for Smartphones and Tablets upon request
Apple Inc. IOS for Smartphones and Tablets upon request
CTModule AG COC Operator Console Windows 7.x, 8.x, 10.x, 11.x